gwdevhub / GWToolboxpp

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v5.4 - GW crashes if TB is launched when a character is already logged in #619

Closed kazerniel closed 2 years ago

kazerniel commented 3 years ago

But it doesn't crash if the character select screen is active at TB launch.

3vcloud commented 3 years ago

Can you upload a crash dump please?

kazerniel commented 3 years ago

Is this what you mean? (Can't find any crash dump file.)

This is from v5.4, but tested with v5.5 and the crash is still present.

Error ``` *--> Crash <--* Exception: c0000005 Memory at address 00001a10 could not be read App: Gw.exe BaseAddr: 00C20000 ProgramId: 1 Build: 37121 When: 7/8/2021 12:11:46 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: NATHAN-PC IpAddr: Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7] OSVersion: 10.0 (64 bit) *--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--* eax=00001a08 ebx=04ddf82c ecx=00001a08 edx=000000a4 esi=00001a08 edi=2e2e965a eip=56edce87 esp=04ddf5d0 ebp=04ddf5d4 cs=10212 ss=0023 ds=002b es=002b fs=002b gs=0053 efl=0000002b ebx-32 04DDF80C 04ddfb08 5706226d 00000000 04ddf948 ebx-16 04DDF81C 56f2f312 04ddf82c 00000000 1fb5b200 ebx +0 04DDF82C 0074002f 00200062 0069006d 0069006e ebx+16 04DDF83C 75440000 00000004 00000004 00000079 ebx+32 04DDF84C 75444905 200221ec 00000000 200221c8 ebx+48 04DDF85C 000002c2 75444874 000002c2 00000000 *--> Code <--* 56EDCE67 0c898650 2e00005e 5dc3cccc cccccccc ...P...^]....... 56EDCE77 cccccccc cccccccc cc558bec 8b450856 .........U...E.V 56EDCE87 8b70088b 0085c074 23578b7d 0c8bd0d1 .p.....t#W.}.... 56EDCE97 ea393cd6 8d0cd673 0c8d7108 83c9ff2b .9<....s..q....+ 56EDCEA7 ca03c1eb 028bc285 c075e25f 8bc65e5d .........u._..^] 56EDCEB7 c3cccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc ................ *--> Trace <--* Pc:56edce87 Fr:04ddf5d4 Rt:56ed9691 Arg:00001a08 2e2e965a 00000002 180b31d8 Pc:56ed9691 Fr:04ddf5ec Rt:56ed7617 Arg:2e2e965a 04ddf604 56ee6d6b 2e2e965a Pc:56ed7617 Fr:04ddf5f8 Rt:56ee6d6b Arg:2e2e965a 04ddf77c 56d3256b 57069568 Pc:56ee6d6b Fr:04ddf604 Rt:56d3256b Arg:57069568 00000001 00000000 a1745aa1 Pc:56d3256b Fr:04ddf77c Rt:56d2d999 Arg:04ddf82c 00000002 180b31d8 04ddf7ac Pc:56d2d999 Fr:04ddf790 Rt:56d37ad3 Arg:13c314ec 04ddf7ec 04ddf7e8 04ddf7e4 Pc:56d37ad3 Fr:04ddf7ac Rt:56f2e4a6 Arg:04ddf7ec 04ddf7e8 04ddf7e4 a17455c5 Pc:56f2e4a6 Fr:04ddf818 Rt:56f2f312 Arg:04ddf82c 00000000 1fb5b200 0074002f Pc:56f2f312 Fr:04ddf948 Rt:56e5e48f Arg:0000002f 1fb5b224 1fb5b200 56e637b2 Pc:56e5e48f Fr:04ddf974 Rt:56e63ac7 Arg:1fa910e4 56d0b4b8 00000000 063a1174 Pc:56e63ac7 Fr:04ddf998 Rt:56d046bf Arg:04ddf9d0 04ddf9bc 56d0c558 12490ddc Pc:56d046bf Fr:04ddf9a4 Rt:56d0c558 Arg:12490ddc 04ddf9d8 04ddf9d8 12490dc8 Pc:56d0c558 Fr:04ddf9bc Rt:56f26156 Arg:04ddf9d8 0000000c 06f957b0 7fffb300 Pc:56f26156 Fr:04ddf9dc Rt:56f269b8 Arg:04ddfa2c 00e09544 04ddfa00 04ddfa90 Pc:56f269b8 Fr:04ddf9e4 Rt:00e09544 Arg:04ddfa00 04ddfa90 063a1140 063a13e8 Pc:00e09544 Fr:04ddfa2c Rt:00e058ad Arg:06f957c0 063a1174 00000004 04ddfa90 Pc:00e058ad Fr:04ddfab4 Rt:00e079bd Arg:063a1140 7fffb361 0bad0186 ffffffff Pc:00e079bd Fr:04ddfb18 Rt:00c9ee01 Arg:00e077d0 00c9bea7 012490e8 00c9edb7 Pc:00c9ee01 Fr:04ddfb48 Rt:00ca1fe8 Arg:7fffb361 00000002 008c4758 008c3bb0 Pc:00ca1fe8 Fr:04ddfb88 Rt:00c9e528 Arg:00000002 008c4758 00c9e500 008c4758 Pc:00c9e528 Fr:04ddfba0 Rt:00db90bb Arg:008c3bb0 0bad0142 00db9064 00db9064 Pc:00db90bb Fr:04ddfbdc Rt:74960419 Arg:008c4758 74960400 04ddfc48 772472fd Pc:74960419 Fr:04ddfbec Rt:772472fd Arg:008c4758 7dbec4e8 00000000 00000000 Pc:772472fd Fr:04ddfc48 Rt:772472cd Arg:ffffffff 772665dd 00000000 00000000 Pc:772472cd Fr:04ddfc58 Rt:00000000 Arg:00db9064 008c4758 00000000 00000000 *--> Stack <--* 04DDF5D0 00001a08 04ddf5ec 56ed9691 00001a08 ...........V.... 04DDF5E0 2e2e965a 00000002 180b31d8 04ddf5f8 Z........1...... 04DDF5F0 56ed7617 2e2e965a 04ddf604 56ee6d6b 04DDF600 2e2e965a 04ddf77c 56d3256b 57069568 Z...|...k%.Vh..W 04DDF610 00000001 00000000 a1745aa1 180b31d8 .........Zt..1.. 04DDF620 13c314e8 04ddf6d0 56d36897 5706dda4 .........h.V...W 04DDF630 00000000 00000032 64000000 00000058 ....2......dX... 04DDF640 04ddf6d0 56d36873 04ddf6ec 04ddf6d8 04DDF650 04ddf62c 0069006d 0069006e 00200000 ,...m.i.n.i... . 04DDF660 00610057 00000004 00000007 5706a9d8 W.a............W 04DDF670 76530000 12491cc8 008a0000 00000024 ..Sv..I.....$... 04DDF680 00000000 7dbece08 00000000 00620000 .......}......b. 04DDF690 00000028 00620818 04ddf6f8 180b2de0 (.....b......-.. 04DDF6A0 0e4d5b28 00000028 04ddf708 180b2ddc ([M.(........-.. 04DDF6B0 180b2dc0 7721ae60 12491cc8 0000000f .-..`.!w..I..... 04DDF6C0 12491cc8 7721ae60 12491cc8 0000000f ..I.`.!w..I..... 04DDF6D0 04ddf7b8 00000000 124908d0 180b2ee0 ..........I..... 04DDF6E0 12490690 00000000 180b2dc0 00000006 ..I......-...... 04DDF6F0 00000064 00623750 00000000 770d84e3 d...P7b........w 04DDF700 008a0000 00000000 12491cc8 04ddf720 ..........I. ... 04DDF710 75435fcb 008a0000 00000000 180b2ee0 ._Cu............ 04DDF720 04ddf730 75435f98 180b2ee0 00000000 0...._Cu........ 04DDF730 04ddf73c 56f8c56e 180b2ee0 04ddf7a4 <...n..V........ 04DDF740 56f2e4cc 13c314d0 13c314d0 04ddf760 ...V........`... 04DDF750 56d14427 04ddf7f0 13c314d0 00000002 'D.V............ 04DDF760 04ddf784 56d1cef8 04ddf7f0 a1745aa1 .......V.....Zt. 04DDF770 04ddf80c 57049b06 00000000 04ddf790 .......W........ 04DDF780 56d2d999 04ddf82c 00000002 180b31d8 ...V,........1.. 04DDF790 04ddf7ac 56d37ad3 13c314ec 04ddf7ec .....z.V........ 04DDF7A0 04ddf7e8 04ddf7e4 00000007 04ddf818 ................ 04DDF7B0 56f2e4a6 04ddf7ec 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0049b831 ........$..W1.I. 04DDF8C0 00000018 04ddf8dc 754437c6 0ec4d041 .........7DuA... 04DDF8D0 a1745509 04ddf978 56ddc07c 0000002f .Ut.x...|..V/... 04DDF8E0 5707d5ec 1fa910b4 56ddc141 60e6dd72 ...W....A..Vr..` 04DDF8F0 00000000 571bc840 571bc840 04ddf8b8 ....@..W@..W.... 04DDF900 a17454cd 04ddf9ac 57053c11 ffffffff .Tt......<.W.... 04DDF910 56dcefa3 2002f368 571ae118 1839f470 ...Vh.. ...Wp.9. 04DDF920 a17454f9 04ddf938 56d24301 00000000 .Tt.8....C.V.... 04DDF930 57069a88 04ddf944 04ddf954 56f31eef ...WD...T......V 04DDF940 75782b2c a1745495 04ddf974 56e5e48f ,+xu.Tt.t......V 04DDF950 0000002f 1fb5b224 1fb5b200 56e637b2 /...$........7.V 04DDF960 0049b831 1fa910c0 571bc918 1fb8b6ec 1.I........W.... 04DDF970 00000000 04ddf998 56e63ac7 1fa910e4 .........:.V.... 04DDF980 56d0b4b8 00000000 063a1174 1233f378 ...V....t.:.x.3. 04DDF990 12490dd8 00000000 04ddf9a4 56d046bf ..I..........F.V 04DDF9A0 04ddf9d0 04ddf9bc 56d0c558 12490ddc ........X..V..I. 04DDF9B0 04ddf9d8 04ddf9d8 12490dc8 04ddf9dc ..........I..... 04DDF9C0 56f26156 04ddf9d8 0000000c 06f957b0 Va.V.........W.. *--> Error Logs <--* (2) Model: file '0x140e49' could not be opened (2) (2) Client pathing data out of sync with server. You may observe your character 'warping' during movement. *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x1002 DeviceId = 0x67df Version = 27.20.22001.14011 Description = Radeon (TM) RX 570 Graphics Compat = 0x00000001 VidMem = 4095 MB *--> DirectSound Device Info <--* 3D channels = 256 2D channels = 256 EAX support = EAX 4 Device count = 3 *--> Game Context <--* MapId: 248 Flags: 0x241 ElapsedTime: 00:00:20 ```
3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Sorted 5.6

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

This bug is still present for me in v5.6.

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Can't duplicate this - I would suggest that you back up everything in your gwtoolboxpp folder, delete the folder's contents and re-run toolbox to see if it still crashes

chypriote commented 2 years ago

I'm getting crashes with 5.6 too. Tried deleting every gwtoolboxpp folder (Local and Roaming) and reinstalling but still crashed the moment I try loading a character. Downgraded to 5.5 and it stopped crashing.

edit: after reading a few other issues, I've also deleted the d3d9.dll from the plugins folder, and can confirm the game still crashes while loading a character

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

Can't duplicate this - I would suggest that you back up everything in your gwtoolboxpp folder, delete the folder's contents and re-run toolbox to see if it still crashes

I emptied the folder and tried a few times to re-run Toolbox via GWTB_Launcher.exe, but nothing happens aside of a Font.ttf file appearing in the emptied folder. Toolbox itself doesn't launch.

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

@chypriote looks like you're having the inverse effect i.e. crashing when running toolbox from the login screen - if so, please make another issue with see if theres anything in the crashes folder of the gwtoolboxpp settings folder on your pc

@kazerniel it sounds like you're trying to use an old launcher, and your anti virus is getting in the way? try re-downloading the msi from the site and run it - it'll create a shortcut on your desktop to use the latest exe

chypriote commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a crash whether I try to load toolbox from the login screen, or on a character already in game.
I've tried the auto update feature from v5.5, and also directly dropping the dll from github into the gwtoolboxpp folder in %appdata% without success.

Here's the most recent crash dump (in this case, running using the dll from the auto update):

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks, can you send across your character_skills_unlocked.ini file please?

chypriote commented 2 years ago


3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks, looks like Illlllll Illllle doesn't have any skills - is this a starter character or something?

chypriote commented 2 years ago

Ah yeah it's a character from a campaign I don't have access to (trial factions code that expired). I guess deleting the lines about him should fix the problem ?

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Yeh should do

chypriote commented 2 years ago

It did the trick, nice find :)

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

@kazerniel it sounds like you're trying to use an old launcher, and your anti virus is getting in the way? try re-downloading the msi from the site and run it - it'll create a shortcut on your desktop to use the latest exe

Thanks, this seems to have fixed it. Which files should I copy back from my backed up GWToolboxpp folder to regain my settings?

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Copy everything back in, overwriting whatever is already there

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

I copied back the Local/GWToolboxpp content and GW started crashing again with the same error as the original issue.

Error ``` *--> Crash <--* Exception: c0000005 Memory at address 00001a10 could not be read App: Gw.exe BaseAddr: 013C0000 ProgramId: 1 Build: 37130 When: 9/23/2021 16:37:55 Flags: 0 *--> System <--* Name: NATHAN-PC IpAddr: Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7] OSVersion: 10.0 (64 bit) *--> Thread 0xfffffffe <--* eax=00001a08 ebx=0534f8cc ecx=00001a08 edx=000000a4 esi=00001a08 edi=2e2e965a eip=570514c7 esp=0534f670 ebp=0534f674 cs=210212 ss=0023 ds=002b es=002b fs=002b gs=0053 efl=0000002b ebx-32 0534F8AC 0534fba8 571da8cd 00000000 0534f9e8 ebx-16 0534F8BC 570a3742 0534f8cc 00000000 206908c0 ebx +0 0534F8CC 0074002f 00200062 0069006d 0069006e ebx+16 0534F8DC 202d0000 6e696c47 20732774 6c616843 ebx+32 0534F8EC 676e656c 46412065 0000004b 00000000 ebx+48 0534F8FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *--> Code <--* 570514A7 0c898650 2e00005e 5dc3cccc cccccccc ...P...^]....... 570514B7 cccccccc cccccccc cc558bec 8b450856 .........U...E.V 570514C7 8b70088b 0085c074 23578b7d 0c8bd0d1 .p.....t#W.}.... 570514D7 ea393cd6 8d0cd673 0c8d7108 83c9ff2b .9<....s..q....+ 570514E7 ca03c1eb 028bc285 c075e25f 8bc65e5d .........u._..^] 570514F7 c3cccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc ................ *--> Trace <--* Pc:570514c7 Fr:0534f674 Rt:5704dcd1 Arg:00001a08 2e2e965a 00000002 111fcda8 Pc:5704dcd1 Fr:0534f68c Rt:5704bc57 Arg:2e2e965a 0534f6a4 5705b3ab 2e2e965a Pc:5704bc57 Fr:0534f698 Rt:5705b3ab Arg:2e2e965a 0534f81c 56e938eb 571e15f0 Pc:5705b3ab Fr:0534f6a4 Rt:56e938eb Arg:571e15f0 00000001 00000000 278eee5e Pc:56e938eb Fr:0534f81c Rt:56e8ee49 Arg:0534f8cc 00000002 111fcda8 0534f84c Pc:56e8ee49 Fr:0534f830 Rt:56e99313 Arg:1f29a8c4 0534f88c 0534f888 0534f884 Pc:56e99313 Fr:0534f84c Rt:570a28d6 Arg:0534f88c 0534f888 0534f884 278eeefa Pc:570a28d6 Fr:0534f8b8 Rt:570a3742 Arg:0534f8cc 00000000 206908c0 0074002f Pc:570a3742 Fr:0534f9e8 Rt:56fd8baf Arg:0000002f 206908e8 206908c0 56fddf8e Pc:56fd8baf Fr:0534fa14 Rt:56fde2a7 Arg:21774340 56e6c8a8 00000000 06f25c54 Pc:56fde2a7 Fr:0534fa38 Rt:56e659ef Arg:0534fa70 0534fa5c 56e6d918 20699f64 Pc:56e659ef Fr:0534fa44 Rt:56e6d918 Arg:20699f64 0534fa78 0534fa78 20699f50 Pc:56e6d918 Fr:0534fa5c Rt:5709a796 Arg:0534fa78 0000000c 079a7670 00028000 Pc:5709a796 Fr:0534fa7c Rt:5709aff8 Arg:0534facc 015a9544 0534faa0 0534fb30 Pc:5709aff8 Fr:0534fa84 Rt:015a9544 Arg:0534faa0 0534fb30 06f25c20 06f25ec8 Pc:015a9544 Fr:0534facc Rt:015a58ad Arg:079a7680 06f25c54 00000004 0534fb30 Pc:015a58ad Fr:0534fb54 Rt:015a79bd Arg:06f25c20 000280fc b104f136 ffffffff Pc:015a79bd Fr:0534fbb8 Rt:0143ee01 Arg:015a77d0 0143bea7 019e90e8 0143edb7 Pc:0143ee01 Fr:0534fbe8 Rt:01441fe8 Arg:000280fc 00000002 00f837e8 00f81978 Pc:01441fe8 Fr:0534fc28 Rt:0143e528 Arg:00000002 00f837e8 0143e500 00f837e8 Pc:0143e528 Fr:0534fc40 Rt:015590bb Arg:00f81978 b104f6f2 01559064 01559064 Pc:015590bb Fr:0534fc7c Rt:75570419 Arg:00f837e8 75570400 0534fce8 77c772fd Pc:75570419 Fr:0534fc8c Rt:77c772fd Arg:00f837e8 c74a3390 00000000 00000000 Pc:77c772fd Fr:0534fce8 Rt:77c772cd Arg:ffffffff 77c965f1 00000000 00000000 Pc:77c772cd Fr:0534fcf8 Rt:00000000 Arg:01559064 00f837e8 00000000 00000000 *--> Stack <--* 0534F670 00001a08 0534f68c 5704dcd1 00001a08 ......4....W.... 0534F680 2e2e965a 00000002 111fcda8 0534f698 Z.............4. 0534F690 5704bc57 2e2e965a 0534f6a4 5705b3ab W..WZ.....4....W 0534F6A0 2e2e965a 0534f81c 56e938eb 571e15f0 Z.....4..8.V...W 0534F6B0 00000001 00000000 278eee5e 111fcda8 ........^..'.... 0534F6C0 1f29a8c0 77c4ae60 0534f7a8 00000000 ..).`..w..4..... 0534F6D0 00000008 77c4ae60 0534f7a8 0534f7a8 ....`..w..4...4. 0534F6E0 00000008 00000000 10e6b088 12cf4e30 ............0N.. 0534F6F0 112686a8 0069006d 0069006e 00200000 ..&.m.i.n.i... . 0534F700 00610057 00000004 00000007 0534f720 W.a......... .4. 0534F710 76eb5fcb 00f60000 00000000 0534f730 ._.v........0.4. 0534F720 76eb5fcb 00f60000 00000000 12cf4e30 ._.v........0N.. 0534F730 0534f740 76eb5f98 12cf4e30 00000000 @.4.._.v0N...... 0534F740 0534f74c 57100ade 12cf4e30 0534f75c L.4....W0N..\.4. 0534F750 56e70ac5 12cf4e30 00000014 0534f770 ...V0N......p.4. 0534F760 56e64070 0534f7a8 12cf4e30 00000001 p@.V..4.0N...... 0534F770 0534f9f8 56e6fb3b 0534f7a8 12cf4e30 ..4.;..V..4.0N.. 0534F780 0534f7a8 12cf4e30 1ebd7636 5733d378 ..4.0N..6v..x.3W 0534F790 56fd0c38 278eefba 5733d378 00000000 8..V...'x.3W.... 0534F7A0 56fd0c50 111ff4e0 12cf4e30 00000018 P..V....0N...... 0534F7B0 1137eb88 12cf4e30 1ebd7636 00000008 ..7.0N..6v...... 0534F7C0 12cf4e30 2d207452 756f5320 7754206c 0N..Rt - Soul Tw 0534F7D0 69747369 0000676e 00000000 00000000 isting.......... 0534F7E0 00000000 1f29a8a8 1f29a8a8 0534f800 ......)...)...4. 0534F7F0 56e75807 0534f890 1f29a8a8 00000002 .X.V..4...)..... 0534F800 0534f824 56e7e2d8 0534f890 278eee5e $.4....V..4.^..' 0534F810 0534f8ac 571be5c6 00000000 0534f830 ..4....W....0.4. 0534F820 56e8ee49 0534f8cc 00000002 111fcda8 I..V..4......... 0534F830 0534f84c 56e99313 1f29a8c4 0534f88c L.4....V..)...4. 0534F840 0534f888 0534f884 00000007 0534f8b8 ..4...4.......4. 0534F850 570a28d6 0534f88c 0534f888 0534f884 .(.W..4...4...4. 0534F860 278eeefa 5733d2b8 206908e8 1ececbdc ...'..3W..i .... 0534F870 00000002 1f29af80 1f29a8a0 00000000 ......)...)..... 0534F880 00000000 111fcda8 00000002 0534f8cc ..............4. 0534F890 00620074 00000000 00000000 00000000 t.b............. 0534F8A0 00000002 00000007 278eeefa 0534fba8 ...........'..4. 0534F8B0 571da8cd 00000000 0534f9e8 570a3742 ...W......4.B7.W 0534F8C0 0534f8cc 00000000 206908c0 0074002f ..4.......i /.t. 0534F8D0 00200062 0069006d 0069006e 202d0000 b. .m.i.n.i...- 0534F8E0 6e696c47 20732774 6c616843 676e656c Glint's Challeng 0534F8F0 46412065 0000004b 00000000 00000000 e AFK........... 0534F900 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F910 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F920 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F930 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F940 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F950 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0534F960 00000000 00000030 21e10000 63c7d635 ....0......!5..c 0534F970 278eef36 0534fa18 00000000 00000007 6..'..4......... 0534F980 111f0000 2177430c 56f41201 614c9f53 .....Cw!...VS.La 0534F990 00000000 00000007 61686562 726f6976 ........behavior 0534F9A0 278e0037 0534fa4c 656e6170 ff00376c 7..'L.4.panel7.. 0534F9B0 56f33a42 1ef963e8 6f726568 65646e69 B:.V.c..heroinde 0534F9C0 27003778 0534f9d8 0534f9ec 56fdd092 x7.'..4...4....V 0534F9D0 00000002 5733d2b8 1e841a10 14648fb0 ......3W......d. 0534F9E0 75ca2b2c 278eefaa 0534fa14 56fd8baf ,+.u...'..4....V 0534F9F0 0000002f 206908e8 206908c0 56fddf8e /.....i ..i ...V 0534FA00 2abd8144 2177431c 5733d2b8 1ececc14 D..*.Cw!..3W.... 0534FA10 00000000 0534fa38 56fde2a7 21774340 ....8.4....V@Cw! 0534FA20 56e6c8a8 00000000 06f25c54 20943f58 ...V....T\..X?. 0534FA30 20699f60 00000000 0534fa44 56e659ef `.i ....D.4..Y.V 0534FA40 0534fa70 0534fa5c 56e6d918 20699f64 p.4.\.4....Vd.i 0534FA50 0534fa78 0534fa78 20699f50 0534fa7c x.4.x.4.P.i |.4. 0534FA60 5709a796 0534fa78 0000000c 079a7670 ...Wx.4.....pv.. *--> Error Logs <--* (2) Client pathing data out of sync with server. You may observe your character 'warping' during movement. *--> DirectX Device Info <--* VendorId = 0x1002 DeviceId = 0x67df Version = 27.20.22001.14011 Description = Radeon (TM) RX 570 Graphics Compat = 0x00000001 VidMem = 4095 MB *--> DirectSound Device Info <--* 3D channels = 256 2D channels = 256 EAX support = EAX 4 Device count = 3 *--> Game Context <--* MapId: 273 Flags: 0x241 ElapsedTime: 00:02:44 ```
3vcloud commented 2 years ago

OK sorry you do still need the latest version of toolbox for the issue to be fixed, you've probably just copied back the old DLL

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

Hmm I did another clean TB reinstall, now only copied back the following files, and the game still starts crashing after the copy:

AgentColors.ini AlertKeywords.txt character_skills_unlocked.ini friends.ini GWToolbox.ini healthlog.ini herobuilds.ini interface.ini Layout.ini Markers.ini Theme.ini

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Throw over your files on discord, I'll try and crash

kazerniel commented 2 years ago

Thanks, will send them.

(Sorry I deleted my original message bc I didn't notice the TB update back then, but the crash is still happening with v5.8)

3vcloud commented 2 years ago

Thanks, found the bug; hotkeys that hide/show toolbox GUI windows on map change are being triggered before the GUI has loaded, crashing the client. I've fixed this for next version