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[addtool] xnLinkFinder #100

Closed mrrootsec closed 1 year ago

mrrootsec commented 1 year ago

[link][/link] [short_descr] A python tool used to discover endpoints (and potential parameters) for a given target [/short_descr] [tags]linkfinder,param_discover,param_mining[/tags] [long_descr]his is a tool used to discover endpoints (and potential parameters) for a given target. It can find them by:

crawling a target (pass a domain/URL)
crawling multiple targets (pass a file of domains/URLs)
searching files in a given directory (pass a directory name)
get them from a Burp project (pass location of a Burp XML file)
get them from an OWASP ZAP project (pass location of a ZAP ASCII message file)
processing a waymore results directory (searching archived response files from waymore -mode R and also requesting URLs from waymore.txt and the original URLs from index.txt - see waymore

The python script is based on the link finding capabilities of my Burp extension GAP. As a starting point, I took the amazing tool LinkFinder by Gerben Javado, and used the Regex for finding links, but with additional improvements to find even more.[/long_descr] image

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Issue correctly handled, tool is waiting for human validation.

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Tool has been accepted:

Thank you!