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[addtool] Ghostbuster #1108

Closed piyush-security closed 1 year ago

piyush-security commented 1 year ago

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[tags] dns, aws [/tags]

[short_descr] Ghostbuster helps eliminate dangling AWS Elastic IPs by analyzing resources across all your accounts, including Route53 DNS records and public IPs from Network Interfaces. Detect subdomains pointing to IPs you no longer own with a complete picture of your DNS records and owned IPs. [/short_descr]


Table of Contents


Eliminate dangling elastic IPs by performing analysis on your resources within all your AWS accounts.

Ghostbuster obtains all the DNS records present in all of your AWS accounts (Route53), and can optionally take in records via CSV input, or via Cloudflare.

After these records are collected, Ghostbuster iterates through all of your AWS Elastic IPs and Network Interface Public IPs and collects this data.

By having a complete picture of the DNS records (from route53, file input or cloudflare) and having a complete picture of the AWS IPs owned by your organization, this tool can detect subdomains that are pointing to dangling elastic IPs (IPs you no longer own).

The problem

When you are deploying infrastructure to AWS, you may spin up EC2 instances which have an IP associated with them. When you create DNS records pointing to these IPs, but forget to remove the DNS records after the EC2 instance has been given a new IP or destroyed, you are susceptible to subdomain takeover attacks.

There has been a great amount of research done on elastic IP takeovers, where it is possible for attackers to continually claim elastic IPs until they obtain an IP associated with a subdomain of the company they are targeting.

While AWS frequently bans accounts that are attempting to perform this attack pattern, no long term fix has been released by AWS.

The impact of dangling elastic IP subdomain takeover attacks are more serious than a typical subdomain takeover where you can only control the content being served. With dangling elastic IP takeovers, it is possible for an attacker to do the following:

Project Features


In order for this tool to be effective, it must have a complete picture of your AWS environment. If it does not have a complete picture, it will lead to false positive findings.

Installing Ghostbuster

Installing Ghostbuster is as simple as running: pip install ghostbuster. The CLI tool will then be accessible via the ghostbuster command.

This requires a Python 3.x environment.

Using Ghostbuster

❯ ghostbuster scan aws --help                                                                                                                                                                     
Usage: ghostbuster scan aws [OPTIONS]

  Scan for dangling elastic IPs inside your AWS accounts.

  --profile TEXT          Specify a specific AWS profile to run ghostbuster

  --skipascii             Skip printing the ASCII art when starting up

  --json                  Only return a JSON object.
  --slackwebhook TEXT     Specify a Slack webhook URL to send notifications
                          about potential takeovers.

  --records PATH          Manually specify DNS records to check against.
                          Ghostbuster will check these IPs after checking
                          retrieved DNS records. See records.csv for an

  --cloudflaretoken TEXT  Pull DNS records from Cloudflare, provide a CF API

  --allregions            Run on all regions.
  --exclude TEXT          Comma delimited list of profile names to exclude.
  --regions TEXT          Comma delimited list of regions to run on.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Example Commands

Run Ghostbuster with access to Cloudflare DNS records, send notifications to a Slack webhook, iterate through every AWS profile configured in .aws/config or .aws/credentials for all AWS regions

❯ ghostbuster scan aws --cloudflaretoken APIKEY --slackwebhook --allregions

Run Ghostbuster with a manually input list of subdomain A records (see records.csv in this repo for example file):

❯ ghostbuster scan aws --records records.csv

You can specify specific regions using --regions set to a comma delimited list of regions i.e. us-east-1,us-west-1.


[image] image [/image]

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Issue correctly handled, tool is waiting for human validation.

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Tool has been accepted by the team:

Thank you for your contribution!