List of tags separated by comma: tag1,tag2,tag3... (required):
[tags] microsoft365 [/tags]
Short description of the tool (required, maximum 100 characters):
[short_descr]This Python script automates the authentication process for Microsoft 365 by using the device code flow and Selenium for automated login. It keeps bombing the user with MFA requests and stores the access_token once the MFA was approved.[/short_descr]
A link or an attached image (minimum 1 required):
Link to the tool: https://... (minimum 1 required): [link][/link]
List of tags separated by comma: tag1,tag2,tag3... (required): [tags] microsoft365 [/tags]
Short description of the tool (required, maximum 100 characters): [short_descr]This Python script automates the authentication process for Microsoft 365 by using the device code flow and Selenium for automated login. It keeps bombing the user with MFA requests and stores the access_token once the MFA was approved.[/short_descr]
A link or an attached image (minimum 1 required): [image] [/image] [image] [/image]