[short_descr]A JavaScript Engine Fuzzer.[/short_descr]
[link] https://github.com/googleprojectzero/fuzzilli [/link]
A (coverage-)guided fuzzer for dynamic language interpreters based on a custom intermediate language ("FuzzIL") which can be mutated and translated to JavaScript.
When fuzzing for core interpreter bugs, e.g. in JIT compilers, semantic correctness of generated programs becomes a concern. This is in contrast to most other scenarios, e.g. fuzzing of runtime APIs, in which case semantic correctness can easily be worked around by wrapping the generated code in try-catch constructs. There are different possibilities to achieve an acceptable rate of semantically correct samples, one of them being a mutational approach in which all samples in the corpus are also semantically valid. In that case, each mutation only has a small chance of turning a valid sample into an invalid one.
FuzzIL has a number of properties:
A FuzzIL program is simply a list of instructions.
A FuzzIL instruction is an operation together with input and output variables and potentially one or more parameters (enclosed in single quotes in the notation above).
Inputs to instructions are always variables, there are no immediate values.
Every output of an instruction is a new variable, and existing variables can only be reassigned through dedicated operations such as the Reassign instruction.
[tags]fuzzing,javascript[/tags] [short_descr]A JavaScript Engine Fuzzer.[/short_descr] [link] https://github.com/googleprojectzero/fuzzilli [/link] [long_descr] A (coverage-)guided fuzzer for dynamic language interpreters based on a custom intermediate language ("FuzzIL") which can be mutated and translated to JavaScript.
When fuzzing for core interpreter bugs, e.g. in JIT compilers, semantic correctness of generated programs becomes a concern. This is in contrast to most other scenarios, e.g. fuzzing of runtime APIs, in which case semantic correctness can easily be worked around by wrapping the generated code in try-catch constructs. There are different possibilities to achieve an acceptable rate of semantically correct samples, one of them being a mutational approach in which all samples in the corpus are also semantically valid. In that case, each mutation only has a small chance of turning a valid sample into an invalid one.
FuzzIL has a number of properties: