gwen001 / offsectools_www

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[addtool] TugaRecon #206

Closed gwen001 closed 1 year ago

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

[link][/link] [short_descr]Subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.[/short_descr] [tags]subdomains[/tags] [long_descr]Tugarecon is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains using modules. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting. Bruteforce was integrated was a module to increase the possibility of finding more subdomains using bruteforce with an improved wordlist.[/long_descr] 162957618-02e38cff-942a-4ea5-983b-d3c21eca1f9b

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Issue correctly handled, tool is waiting for human validation.

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Tool has been accepted:

Thank you!