[short_descr]The OSINT tool used for web crawling or examining JavaScript files for likely useful data.[/short_descr]
[long_descr]The assessment generally starts with different recon steps, like scanning, URL crawling, fuzzing, and so on. In some cases, however, such as the testing of SPA applications, regular URL-crawling seems to be pretty meaningless, and fuzzing may not be "tester-friendly".
This simple tool provides information about the app by parsing the JavaScript files and extracting API endpoints or other probably useful strings.
It can also be used as a regular URL crawler 🕷️[/long_descr]
[homepage]https://github.com/leddcode/Aranea[/homepage] [tags]crawler,parser,secrets,endpoints,javascript,angular,spa[/tags] [short_descr]The OSINT tool used for web crawling or examining JavaScript files for likely useful data.[/short_descr] [long_descr]The assessment generally starts with different recon steps, like scanning, URL crawling, fuzzing, and so on. In some cases, however, such as the testing of SPA applications, regular URL-crawling seems to be pretty meaningless, and fuzzing may not be "tester-friendly". This simple tool provides information about the app by parsing the JavaScript files and extracting API endpoints or other probably useful strings. It can also be used as a regular URL crawler 🕷️[/long_descr] [image][/image]