gwen001 / offsectools_www

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[addtool] Striker #884

Closed gwen001 closed 1 year ago

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

[homepage][/homepage] [tags]scanner,vulnerabilities,ports,subdomains[/tags] [short_descr]Offensive information and vulnerability scanner.[/short_descr] [long_descr]Phase 1: Attack Surface Discovery This phase includes finding subdomains of the user specified domain, filtering alive hosts as well scanning of 1000 most common TCP ports.

Phase 2: Sweeping Mass scanning of misconfigured HTTP response headers, croassdomain.xml as well as checks for some sensitive files is done in this phase.

Phase 3: Agressive Information Gathering This phase is dedicated to data gathering by crawling the subdomains. The gathered data is used to find outdated JS libraries, detect CMS and technologies in use. HTML forms that are tested in later phases for vulnerability detection are also collected during this crawling.

Phase 4: Vulnerability Scanning[/long_descr] [image][/image]

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Issue correctly handled, tool is waiting for human validation.

gwen001 commented 1 year ago

Tool has been accepted by the team:

Thank you for your contribution!