gwhs / FalconRecharged2021

First Robotics 2021 Infinite recharge source code for team 5507 Robotic Eagles, Washington High School, San Francisco CA
1 stars 4 forks source link

Skills Challenge Tracker #11

Closed jhajel closed 3 years ago

jhajel commented 3 years ago

I've created a skills challenge tracker spreadsheet. Please fill out as we get going. We will need this when we submit our scores and videos.

alevin commented 3 years ago
Skills Challenge % complete Daphne Potential Link to Video Score/time Notes
Galactic Search A 50 Fair Nice to get full swerve-drive auto working
Galactic Search B 50 Fair Nice to get full swerve-drive auto working
AutoNav - Barrel Racing 90 Fair
AutoNav - Slalom 90 Fair
AutoNav - Bounce 90 Fair
Hyperdrive - Barrel Racing 95 Excellent Swerve-drive should excel here
Hyperdrive - Slalom 95 Excellent
Hyperdrive - Bounce 95 Excellent
Hyperdrive - Lightspeed Circuit 95 Excellent Saw a team with a 22 second time
Interstellar Accuracy Challenge 50 Poor "Can only shoot from Green zone, maybe Yellow. Best score could be 18 (6 inner port). No need for intake here either (always intake from re-introduction zone)"
Power Port Challenge 50 Good "Need to fix auto-shoot command, 5 cycles would be ideal in one minute. May need 2 human players, Great score is 45. Maybe work without intake"
alevin commented 3 years ago
current state: Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
Autonav - Slalom 12 1
Autonav - Barrel Racing 16 1
Autonav - Bounce 19 1
jhajel commented 3 years ago

Why are we hitting markers? Is the robot too big or does Anton need more practice? By the way, these times look great.

alevin commented 3 years ago

corrected my comment - it is autonav. we'll record and time hyperdrive today

jhajel commented 3 years ago

Ok, I found some times to shoot for from a good team from Virginia.

Autonav - Slalom: 9.55 seconds Autonav - Bounce: 9.98 Autonav - Barrel: 14.72 (added 3/10) Hyperdrive - Slalom: 9.78 Hyperdrive - Bounce: 11.25 Hyperdrive - Barrel: 12.08 Hyperdrive - Lightspeed: 22.55

No Galactic Search so I wonder if they are skipping it.

alevin commented 3 years ago
current state: Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
Autonav - Slalom 12.4 0 video
Autonav - Barrel Racing 15.8 0 video
alevin commented 3 years ago
current state: Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
Autonav - Slalom 09.71 0 video
Autonav - Barrel Racing 14.35 0 video
jhajel commented 3 years ago

That's fantastic! I think we can speed up Barrel Racing. Now we need to get Bounce to work and we will have a good AutoNav score.

jhajel commented 3 years ago

Here is a thought. During slalom can we start with the robot on an angle so it is facing the direction of the first waypoint. It won't need to take that hard turn in the beginning. I bet we could shave .2 seconds or more. The question is if the robot zeroes the navX when we enable auton. I think the first step would to try the angled start method in Tele-op (after zeroing the navX straight ahead) to see if it actually does cut time. If it does, we can alter the code to keep from zeroing the navX on enable.

alevin commented 3 years ago
current state: Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
Bounce 19.7 0 video

@leinouye , @anton-levin

jhajel commented 3 years ago

Wow! This is fantastic. Nice job. I can't wait to see the code.

alevin commented 3 years ago
current state: Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
Autonav Bounce 16.00s 0 video
HyperDrive Barrel 11.24s 0 video
Galactic Search Red 17.8s (11.04+6.76 ) video

@leinouye , @zhxu033 , @anton-levin

jhajel commented 3 years ago

These are fantastic! Well done. I update the spreadsheet with the times. I didn't update the videos yet as we may get better times.

What is the next step?

jhajel commented 3 years ago

We will need separate videos for each of the Galactic Search paths.


jhajel commented 3 years ago

Also, check the link on the video for the Galactic Search. It seems to come back to this page.

alevin commented 3 years ago

Videos for galactic search Red an Blue Path A and Path B , AutoNav barrel, bounce, slalom and for HyperDrive barrel are uploaded to Google drive - folder "Infinite Recharge at Home/Video for submission"

jhajel commented 3 years ago

The video in the folder for HD_Barrel is for 11.31 secs, but I think our best time is 11.24. Is that the case?

alevin commented 3 years ago
Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
HyperDrive Bounce 10.21s 0 video in Google drive - folder "Infinite Recharge at Home/Video for submission"
HyperDrive Slalom 08.97s 0 video in Google drive - folder "Infinite Recharge at Home/Video for submission"
jhajel commented 3 years ago

I counted up the PowerPort challenge from the video mah00101 and it came to 4 perfect cycles for a total of 36 points. We need to get to 5 cycles. There was about 6-8 seconds of lining up for each of the cycles (after the first) that we could get some time back. Let's try to get to 5 cycles on Wednesday.

Edit: on the 3rd cycle, the last power cell may have hit the 2nd to last. It is hard to see. If that is the case, our score would be 33. I think even a faster conveyor speed would work better.

jhajel commented 3 years ago

The accuracy challenge only has 14 points instead of the max 18. We missed 2 shots - 1 in the first cycle and 1 in the 2nd. If you have time, please re-record this one. Also, make sure that we load the power cells only in the re-introduction zone. This is not high priority, but right now there aren't many scores in that challenge for our group.

alevin commented 3 years ago
Skills Challenge time penalty (markers hit) Notes
HyperDrive Lightspeed 20.16s 0 video in Google drive - folder "Infinite Recharge at Home/Video for submission" , video
jhajel commented 3 years ago

Fantastic time! I am going to start to upload AutoNav and Galactic Search videos now. I don't think we will change those before tomorrow. Do you we expect to have different HyperDrive videos?

alevin commented 3 years ago

new HyperDrive videos are unlikely, unless there is something wrong with existing one and we have to redo.

jhajel commented 3 years ago

I uploaded the Interstellar Accuracy challenge with a score of 18 to the FRC site. When you upload the Power Port video, I will do that. I plan to final submit at 10am tomorrow.

jhajel commented 3 years ago

54 for Power Port! Well done!

jhajel commented 3 years ago

This Accuracy video has the LightSpeed graphic. I don't think we need to change it. I can also upload the one without the timer.

jhajel commented 3 years ago

Ok, on the scores for our group, the top Hyperdrive is 48.9 and our time is 50.6 And chance you can find time to shave 1.7 seconds off one of our hyperdrives before 11:30?

Rankings here:

alevin commented 3 years ago

I'll review the videos, do you know which one has the most potential to shift start/finish time ?

jhajel commented 3 years ago

My guess would be the barrel run. We need to submit the video by 11:30am because we may risk not getting it in.

alevin commented 3 years ago

looking at ... found that bounce video contains incorrect time in the text ( 12.02 ) filename and timer were correct uploaded corrected video to Gdrive folder - HyperDrive_Bounce_Apr4_11.02s_fixedtext.mp4

jhajel commented 3 years ago

But there is a HyperDrive Bounce that is 10.21. Should I not use that one?

jhajel commented 3 years ago

This is what I have so far. Please double check that this is correct.

alevin commented 3 years ago

on "10.21" bounce one finish cone was not placed correctly - not sure if it is critical or not reviewing if we've got better barrel runs

alevin commented 3 years ago

uploading barrel with time 11:03, checking if there are any better results

jhajel commented 3 years ago

I can't see the difference on the 10.21 bounce cone placement. Would the misplaced code affect our time? If not, I am going with 10.21.

alevin commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2021-04-08 11-05-10

jhajel commented 3 years ago

I see. I will upload the 11.02 one.

alevin commented 3 years ago

11:03 barrel run was the best for the day - HyperDrive_Barrel_Apr8_11.03s.mp4

jhajel commented 3 years ago

Ok, anything else coming? We have 18 minutes. I will submit and lock at 11:50.

jhajel commented 3 years ago
