gwillen / herring

Modern Django and ReactJS based web application for puzzlehunt team management!
MIT License
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Give Puzzle Czars more tools #75

Open gilrandir opened 1 year ago

gilrandir commented 1 year ago

IDK how to file a ticket ;_; so I'm just copy-pasting from Discord lol


Shiny: I wonder if we could codify Puzzle Czar updates in a way that gives puzzlers more information on how to make progress on Hunt, if they so desire? Like, I really loved the regular updates with the different categories of puzzle ("making progress", "unstarted", "stuck", "stuck on extraction", "low priority", etc.) I feel like maybe having a format like that, with perhaps a bit more info (like, which rounds these puzzles belong to, rounds progress, what are the mechanisms to unlock more puzzles, etc.) would be a non-hint/freebie-dependent way of nudging Hunt velocity forwards. (Hopefully it wouldn't be too much additional burden on Puzzle Czars?)

Gwillen: I would like us to give puzzle czars more tools, yeah

PaulZ: write a ticket! then gwillen and i can ignore it

Gwillen: I think it would be good if we had puzzle statuses and also like, person-puzzle statuses ("I have looked at this", "I am working on this", "I am not coming back to this")