gwinnem / vue-responsive-grid-layout

A draggable, resizable and responsive grid layout, developed with vue3 and typescript.
MIT License
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Unstable performance when using Nuxt 3 #18

Open SamGeens opened 9 months ago

SamGeens commented 9 months ago


Thank you for this library! This seems like a nice improvement of vue-grid-layout with new functionalities and active development. However when using with Nuxt 3 the performance doesn't seem to be as stable as in your examples.

With the vue-grid-layout I could also install the library as a plugin which doesn't seem to work with this one.

Example of plugin usage with vue-grid-layout:

import VueGridLayout from 'vue-grid-layout';

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {

Expected Behavior

Stable drag and drop functionality when using Nuxt 3 like in the examples.

Current Behavior

Unstable behavior when using this library in Nuxt 3. Just like in issue #10. Hopefully this will also be resolved in the next release like said in issue #10

Failure Information (for bugs)

Steps to Reproduce

The behavior can be seen in this codesandbox.

gwinnem commented 9 months ago

Hi Sam. Can you send me a zipped project with nuxt so I can speed up the work on this issue. My email is on the front of my profile.



SamGeens commented 9 months ago

Of course! I'll do that right away!

oneart-dev commented 4 months ago

Even on example website here it does look like a bug to me.

Mac Ventura, Chrome latest.