gwlim / mips24k-barrier-breaker-patch

Add On PatchSet for wr1043nd Router
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Description #1

Closed akoidan closed 10 years ago

akoidan commented 10 years ago

Hi, could you please briefly describe what this patch improves. For example, it just changes configuration/ adds some packages to firmware by default/fixes some bugs/improves performance. Thank you! Is it already applied in ?

gwlim commented 10 years ago

Actually my patch is very simple. Just look at the patch folder and all the patch in text, try to read and understand what they do. Then read the, it is a script in plain text again read and try to understand what it does. No my patch is not in the openwrt repository, it adds on top of the repository to optimize it for the architecture of a particular router. The reason why it is not combined upstream is because it is too router specific.