gwomacks / php-debug

Atom Text Editor package for PHP debugging
MIT License
119 stars 31 forks source link

Uncaught TypeError: existingPathMaps is not iterable #317

Open nathanpbell opened 5 years ago

nathanpbell commented 5 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. Set my path Map to this string: { "/data/sites/myapp/" : "Users/myuser/myapp/" }
  2. Set a breakpoint, and in that file right click, chose "Debugger -> Start Debugging"
  3. Refresh your app in the browser
  4. A "Path Maps" button appears in Atom. Click it, error pops up.

Atom: 1.32.2 x64 Electron: 2.0.9 OS: Mac OS X 10.14.1 Thrown From: php-debug package 0.3.5

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: existingPathMaps is not iterable

At /Users/nathan/.atom/packages/php-debug/lib/helpers.js:73

TypeError: existingPathMaps is not iterable
    at Object.exports.generatePathMaps (/packages/php-debug/lib/helpers.js:73:23)
    at DebbuggingContext.handlePathMapsClick (/packages/php-debug/lib/engines/dbgp/debugging-context.js:276:35)
    at /packages/php-debug/lib/engines/dbgp/debugging-context.js:66:18
    at HTMLButtonElement.result (/packages/atom-debug-ui/lib/actions/actionbar.js:125:7)


     -1:46.6.0 atom-debug-ui:toggleDebugging (div.line)
     -1:35.3.0 atom-debug-ui:toggleBreakpoint (span.syntax--variable.syntax--other.syntax--php)
     -0:27 atom-debug-ui:toggleDebugging (span.syntax--variable.syntax--other.syntax--php)

Non-Core Packages

atom-debug-ui 1.0.4 
atom-ide-ui 0.13.0 
city-lights-syntax 1.1.8 
ide-php 0.7.17 
php-debug 0.3.5