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GWT Designer for GXT 2.2.x #6848

Closed dankurka closed 9 years ago

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 6849

The latest GWT Designer doesn't seem to support the latest GXT 2.2.x. 

There are 2 problems:
1. GXT renamed its jar file to gxt-2.2.5-gwt17.jar, gxt-2.2.5-gwt22.jar etc. And when
using the "Google Web Tookit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" option in Eclipse,
it expects a gxt.jar in the GXT path. This problem could be easily workaround by renaming
a jar.

2. When trying to open an EntryPoint class in design view, it always show the following
~begin quote~
No required GXT resources
 GXT requires not just gxt.jar, but also set of resources, such as CSS files, images,
etc. GWT Designer was not able to find "gxt-.css" file.

1. You should use "Configure for using GXT" action on your GWT module.
2. If you already tried to configure for GXT ensure that your project has HTML file
which corresponds to the GWT module which you are trying to edit. This HTML file should
have same name as module (don't include package name).
3. If you don't want to use HTML file, you can include GXT CSS file using "stylesheet"
element in your module file.
~end quote~

The GWT module is generated by Eclipse with "Google Web Toolkit > GWT Module", and
it does copy the GXT resource path to /ExtGWT under my web app root folder. Under /ExtGWT/css,
there are 2 css file named gxt-all.css and gxt-gray.css. My project uses gwt-maven-plugin
and in Maven's directory structure but i presume it is not relevant. When I follow
the 3rd suggestion to add '<stylesheet src="/ExtGWT/css/gxt-all.css"/>' to the module
xml, the design view will work.

I guess the problem is just some change in default path and filename in GXT. 

Reported by on 2011-10-02 10:03:06

dankurka commented 9 years ago

Reported by on 2011-10-03 13:00:09

dankurka commented 9 years ago
Fixed in trunk.

Reported by on 2011-10-06 14:55:47