Found in GWT Release (e.g. 2.4.0, 2.5.0 RC):
GWT 2.5.0
Encountered on OS / Browser (e.g. WinXP, IE8-9, FF7):
OpenSuse 12.2 / Firefox 16.0.2
Detailed description (please be as specific as possible):
I have a RequestContext action that retrieves a list of proxy elements of a given type
and subclasses of such type. I could not manage to get in the client the actual sub-classes,
they always happen to be the parent class even including @ExtraTypes annotation in
the RequestContext.
Shortest code snippet which demonstrates issue (please indicate where
actual result differs from expected result):
* This is the parent server-side entity
public class CompareDiff {
} //end of CompareDiff
* This is one of the server-side entities that extend the base
public class TimeSchemeValueCompareDiff extends CompareDiff {
} //end of TimeSchemeValueCompareDiff
* This is a wrapper class that contains a list of elements
* of the previous types, as well as some other properties.
public class CompareResult {
private List <CompareDiff> differences = null;
public List <CompareDiff> getDifferences () {
return differences;
public void setDifferences (List <CompareDiff> differences) {
this.differences = differences;
} //end of CompareResult
* This is a service that runs some algorithm
* to finally calculate the result in form of the wrapper
* containing the list of hybrid elements.
public class CompareService {
public CompareResult compareVersions () {
CompareResult result = new CompareResult ();
result.setDifferences (new ArrayList <CompareDiff> ());
result.getDifferences ().add (new CompareDiff ());
result.getDifferences ().add (new TimeSchemeValueCompareDiff ());
} //end of CompareService
* Client-side proxy for the wrapper
@ProxyFor (value = CompareResult.class)
public interface ICompareResultProxy extends ValueProxy {
List <ICompareDiffProxy> getDifferences ();
} //end of ICompareResultProxy
* Client-side proxy for the parent class
@ProxyFor (value = CompareDiff.class)
public interface ICompareDiffProxy extends ValueProxy {
} //end of ICompareDiffProxy
* Client-side proxy for the child class
@ProxyFor (value = TimeSchemeValueCompareDiff.class)
public interface ITimeSchemeValueCompareDiffProxy extends ICompareDiffProxy {
} //end of ITimeSchemeValueCompareDiffProxy
* This is the requestContext that invokes the server and retrieves the result.
@ExtraTypes ({ICompareDiffProxy.class, ITimeSchemeValueCompareDiffProxy.class})
@Service (value = CompareService.class, locator = SpringServiceLocator.class)
public interface ICompareRequestContext extends RequestContext {
Request <ICompareResultProxy> compareVersions (Integer drugVersionID1, Integer drugVersionID2);
} //end of ICompareRequestContext
// finally, the method that gets the list on client-side
requestFactory.getCompareContext ().compareVersions ()
.fire (new Receiver <ICompareResultProxy> () {
public void onSuccess (ICompareResultProxy response) {
for (ICompareDiffProxy diff : response.getDifferences ()) {
if (diff instanceof ITimeSchemeValueCompareDiffProxy) {
System.out.println ("The type identification was perfect !"); //THIS DOES
} //end of onSuccess
Workaround if you have one:
I followed Mr. Broyer suggestion to my question at SO to debug
and i found deobfuscator.getClientProxies(toSearch.getName()); returned null for the
child proxy, thus forcing it to fall back to its parent proxy. Then, in the generated i found no reference to the child entities.
Finally i added a dummy method in the service (and the RequestContext) whose actual
return type is one of the subclasses, and then it works. Something like this:
/** of no use, just to encircle the problem with un-recognized inherited classes */
Request <ITimeSchemeValueCompareDiffProxy> dummyTimeSchemeValueCompareDiff ();
Links to relevant GWT Developer Forum posts:
This is my original question at SO:
Link to patch posted at
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 8061
Reported by
on 2013-03-06 15:34:48