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optimizationLevel and runAsync #9597

Open cblanche34 opened 6 years ago

cblanche34 commented 6 years ago

GWT version: 2.8.2 Browser (with version): Chrome 64.0.3282.140 Operating System: Linux


I use runAsync on a large GWT project, but the default optimization level makes it ineffective :

With normal optimizationLevel, deferred JS are very little, so we don't save bandwidth or browser performance when evaluating the js code.

niloc132 commented 6 years ago

Interesting find - I realize this is a large project, but perhaps you can break it down to give us a smaller example to be able to reproduce and fix. Can you run the compiler report (aka SOYC) and look to see which classes are in the split point with optimizationLevel=1, but not in optimizationLevel=9? Also, can you give us the full list of args you pass to the compiler?

Additionally, what do you mean "Plus 24 deferred little js" - is that 24 other split points, for a combined total of ~1.8mb?

cblanche34 commented 6 years ago

Yes we put 24 runAsync.

With normal optimizationLevel : 910 KO

Split Points
#   Location        Size (Bytes)    % of total
1   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall       367 268     6,7 %
2   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall         1 575     0,0 %
3   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           519     0,0 %
4   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           400     0,0 %
5   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           448     0,0 %
6   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall       301 834     5,5 %
7   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           101     0,0 %
8   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall         5 304     0,1 %
9   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall       100 360     1,8 %
10  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall        28 767     0,5 %
11  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
12  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall         9 315     0,2 %
13  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
14  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
15  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall        38 483     0,7 %
16  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall         6 962     0,1 %
17  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
18  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall        32 915     0,6 %
19  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall        17 697     0,3 %
20  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall        17 814     0,3 %
21  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
22  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %
23  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           102     0,0 %

With level 1 : 2,3 MO

Split Points
#   Location        Size (Bytes)    % of total
1   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall       1 737 459   32,7 %
2   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           1 715    0,0 %
3   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             657    0,0 %
4   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             400    0,0 %
5   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             448    0,0 %
6   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall         380 998    7,2 %
7   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             101    0,0 %
8   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           5 974    0,1 %
9   GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          94 419    1,8 %
10  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          28 520    0,5 %
11  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
12  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           9 210    0,2 %
13  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
14  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
15  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          36 510    0,7 %
16  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall           6 440    0,1 %
17  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
18  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          32 457    0,6 %
19  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          16 440    0,3 %
20  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall          19 825    0,4 %
21  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
22  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
23  GwtModuleLoader::runAsyncCall             102    0,0 %
cblanche34 commented 6 years ago

Most of sources which goes to left over in the normal optimization are using a lib which decode objects from JSON.This lib has a map of all objects which can be decoded. It seems that after level 2 of optimizations, the class which uses this lib goes to left over.

jnehlmeier commented 6 years ago

Doesn't sound too surprising to me. Could very well happen that your code ends up in a situation that is not optimal for split points. I guess type tightening could cause that for example. Given that ordering of optimization technics is fixed, I would always run multiple optimization passes so that early optimization technics can benefit from later ones of the previous pass.

Personally I would always use -optimizationLevel 9 which does 100 optimization passes OR aborts earlier if the Java AST does not change anymore significantly. If you use any level lower than 9 then the number you specify is the exact number of optimization passes that will be done.