gwu-libraries / lai-libsite

ARCHIVED. Code merged into new repo, and tickets transferred there. Old description: Drupal 7 theme for GW Libraries. Based on earlier Libsite7 theme.
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Add GDPR cookie notice and styling #169

Closed maxstarkenburg closed 5 years ago

maxstarkenburg commented 5 years ago

To add the cookie notice and make it look nice, do the following:

  1. Add theme changes from this branch (includes a new CSS file and its import from an already incorporated CSS file). Refs #168.
  2. Install the EU Cookie Compliance Drupal module. From the Drupal site root:
    1. Temporarily open permissions: sudo chmod 775 sites/all/modules/
    2. Enable the module: drush en eu_cookie_compliance. Probably have to click y and y to proceed.
    3. Reset permissions (this assumes is one directory up): sudo bash ../ --drupal_path=/FULL/PATH/TO/DRUPAL/SITE/ROOT --drupal_user=www-data
    4. drush cc all to clear cache
  3. Change the module's configuration (differences from default below):
    • In the browser go to /admin/config/system/eu-cookie-compliance
    • Uncheck all roles except for anonymous user
    • Select the "Consent by default. Don't provide any option to opt out." radio button
    • For the "Cookie information banner message" field
      • change the Text Format to "Full HTML".
      • click the "Source" button and paste in: <p>GW uses cookies and other technology on our websites to improve your website experience and to better understand how you use our websites. Visit GW’s <a href="" target="_blank">Website Privacy Notice</a> to learn more about how GW uses cookies and, if you should choose, how to disable them. I understand that by clicking <strong>“I consent”</strong> and continuing to use this website, I agree to GW’s use of cookies.</p>
    • In the "Agree button label" field, enter I consent.
    • Uncheck the 'Show "Cookie policy" and "More info" buttons' checkbox.
    • In the "Thank you banner message" field, also change the Text Format to "Full HTML" and paste in <p>Thank you for accepting cookies. You can now hide this message.</p> in the Source, but do NOT check the 'Enable "Thank you" banner ' checkbox.
    • In the "Privacy policy link" field enter
    • In the "Background color" field enter 0073aa
    • Click "Advanced".
      • Check "Let screen readers see the banner before other links on the page."
      • In the "Domain" field (not the "Domain list" field), enter (or if testing locally)
    • Click "Save configuration"
      1. Probably need to clear cache again.