gwu-libraries / social-feed-manager

"Old SFM" -- manage rules and streams from social data sources, starting with twitter.
MIT License
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installation on a mac #228

Open mec3727 opened 10 years ago

mec3727 commented 10 years ago

Hi I am having some problems installing social feed manager on my mac, when I go through the installation process listed I get nowhere but I did find instructions here: and got lost when it came to creating the twitter application and changing the database information

dchud commented 10 years ago

Hi @mec3727, it's great to see that you want to get the app running. As you probably noticed in the README, we mainly develop and test on ubuntu so these OSX instructions aren't "mainstream", as it were, but you can definitely get the app working.

Can you give us some more details on where you're at? What's the last thing you tried? Where exactly are you in Arie's instructions, and what errors are you seeing?

mec3727 commented 10 years ago

I got to the create an application part, I didn't exactly know what to put in for a URL but at the step right before that I got this error:

Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /Users/Meghan/social-feed-manager/ENV/build/psycopg2
Storing debug log for failure in /Users/Meghan/.pip/pip.log

and then I see this:

    ('Your Name', ''),


# This value should be something like [sfm-test] (with a trailing space)
# Set SERVER_EMIL to root@myserver, e.g. ''

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'sfm',
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': '',
                               [ Read 59 lines ]
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thank you for your help

dchud commented 10 years ago

(Note that I added triple-backticks around the error messages in your last comment to make it easier to read, please consider doing this when you add system output to a comment, it helps a lot. To see how it works, click the edit button on your comment.)

Okay, let's do this one step at a time, starting with the first error you saw:

Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in /Users/Meghan/social-feed-manager/ENV/build/psycopg2

This is the postgresql support library, and it's failing to install. Have you successfully installed postgresql already? This is step 4 in Arie's "requirements" near the top of his post (you should be sure to go through all of them!). If you've installed it, were you able to create the user and database in postgresql?

mec3727 commented 10 years ago

yes, I installed it and did this step:

Meghan=# CREATE USER sfmuser with createdb PASSWORD 'sfmuser_secret'; CREATE ROLE Meghan=# CREATE DATABASE sfmdb WITH OWNER sfmuser; CREATE DATABASE Meghan=#

and I'm sorry I don't understand the triple back ticks, and the only edit button I see is edit in full screen