gwutz / news

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Move to #17

Open mcatanzaro opened 7 years ago

mcatanzaro commented 7 years ago

We should take over the gnome-news repository on, since that version of gnome-news is unmaintained and nobody is interested in working on it. Moving to will make it easier for other GNOME people to collaborate.

Let me know if you need help with this.

bsed commented 7 years ago

how to install in ubuntu17

alice-mkh commented 7 years ago

So, is this version dead as well? :(

gwutz commented 7 years ago

Nono its not dead. I just had to take a little time for my master thesis and the job search after graduation. I currently working on unit testing several things in business logic because i want to shift some logic out of my models so that i get plain model data. Moving to is not high priority for my at the moment as it is not considered as GNOME official.

aero31aero commented 7 years ago

Advantages vs disadvantages of moving to gnome's git server? You'd lose on GitHub issue tracker, which, if I were you, would consider a huge downside. What restricts gnome developers from contributing on github?

jbicha commented 7 years ago

@aero31aero GNOME projects are mirrored to Although Github's issue tracker is disabled by default for the mirror, individual GNOME projects can have it enabled if they want (as I understand it).

By using GNOME infrasturcture, it is easier for GNOME translators in particular to contribute. (And more obvious for developers to know where to contribute.) Releasing via GNOME will increase the odds of the app getting picked up by distributions.

jbicha commented 7 years ago

Oh, it looks like I was mistaken about being able to enable the Github issue tracker for mirrored projects.

mcatanzaro commented 7 years ago

You can enable the issue tracker, but I wouldn't, because it's way worse than Bugzilla and 99% of GNOME developers will never participate in the issues here.

I continue to insist that GNOME needs an official news reader. Let's revisit this in the future when you have time to work on News again, since whoever is doing the work gets to make the decisions, and that would hopefully be future you. ;) GNOME developers aren't going to take interest or promote this so long as this is an unofficial GitHub project, so I do think moving sooner rather than later is important, but probably this is the wrong time as we're clearly in the middle of a lull in development.