In TAGET-master/, the original file has not been changed, i.e., gtf and bed file.
I wonder which gtf and bed file that I shoule use? Is it reference gtf? I used minimap2 to map the sample's fastq to the ref genome, and minimap2 generated the "sample.minimap2.bed". as the same time, TAGET also generate the "sample.annot.bed". So, I have no idea which bed file that I shoule use. Thank you for your reply in advance
Although it outputed the error, it still finished the work. Is it ok? Won't it affect the result?
`File "/data/workdir/wubq/software/TAGET-master//", line 148, in
db = ISO_anno_V02.load_pickle(gtf)
File "/data/workdir/wubq/software/TAGET-master/", line 16, in load_pickle
return pickle.load(open(file_in, 'rb'))
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType
In TAGET-master/, the original file has not been changed, i.e., gtf and bed file.
I wonder which gtf and bed file that I shoule use? Is it reference gtf? I used minimap2 to map the sample's fastq to the ref genome, and minimap2 generated the "sample.minimap2.bed". as the same time, TAGET also generate the "sample.annot.bed". So, I have no idea which bed file that I shoule use. Thank you for your reply in advance