gyazo / Gyazo-for-Linux

Gyazo for Linux
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Kubuntu 17.10 - where is the app? It's missed from the menu #113

Closed OnkelTem closed 6 years ago

OnkelTem commented 6 years ago

subj + and I have no ideas how to run it.

nna774 commented 6 years ago

If you installed collectly, gyazo cmd is located at /usr/bin/gyazo. Can you run from terminal by typing gyazo (or /usr/bin/gyazo)? If you can, you can add an app from KDE settings(like this? I've never used KDE, so I don't know in detail).

OnkelTem commented 6 years ago

No, it's not there. Hm...

OnkelTem commented 6 years ago

Ok, I don't know what went wrong, but now I could install it and it seems running. Thank you.