gyk001 / hexo-qiniu-sync

MIT License
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七牛一切配好,本地hexo server,出现can not get / #30

Closed puchengy closed 4 years ago

puchengy commented 8 years ago


gyk001 commented 8 years ago


sumaolin commented 7 years ago

我也出现了这个问题,看过hexo 官方的issue 也有提问的,不过我本地重新生产 hexo init 个项目是 有hexo server 命令的,从而确认是按照这个插件过程中不知道什么操作 覆盖掉了 hexo server 命令,现在输入命名只是显示:

E:\hexoBlog\hexo  (hexo-site@0.0.0)
λ hexo server
INFO  -----------------------------------------------------------
INFO  qiniu state: online
INFO  qiniu sync:  true
INFO  qiniu local dir:  static
INFO  qiniu url:
INFO  -----------------------------------------------------------
Usage: hexo <command>

  clean     Removed generated files and cache.
  config    Get or set configurations.
  deploy    Deploy your website.
  generate  Generate static files.
  help      Get help on a command.
  init      Create a new Hexo folder.
  list      List the information of the site
  migrate   Migrate your site from other system to Hexo.
  new       Create a new post.
  publish   Moves a draft post from _drafts to _posts folder.
  qiniu     Qiniu sync
  render    Render files with renderer plugins.
  version   Display version information.

Global Options:
  --config  Specify config file instead of using _config.yml
  --cwd     Specify the CWD
  --debug   Display all verbose messages in the terminal
  --draft   Display draft posts
  --safe    Disable all plugins and scripts
  --silent  Hide output on console

For more help, you can use 'hexo help [command]' for the detailed information
or you can check the docs:

window 7 专业版 64位 其他的环境信息

E:\hexoBlog\hexo  (hexo-site@0.0.0)
λ hexo version
INFO  -----------------------------------------------------------
INFO  qiniu state: online
INFO  qiniu sync:  true
INFO  qiniu local dir:  static
INFO  qiniu url:
INFO  -----------------------------------------------------------
hexo: 3.2.2
hexo-cli: 1.0.2
os: Windows_NT 6.1.7601 win32 x64
http_parser: 2.5.2
node: 4.4.5
uv: 1.8.0
zlib: 1.2.8
ares: 1.10.1-DEV
icu: 56.1
modules: 46
openssl: 1.0.2h


解决了! hexo-qiniu-sync安装好后,hexo s命令不见了,hexo d也提示问题 #41