gyk001 / hexo-qiniu-sync

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七牛配置好之后,运行hexo s 出问题 #37

Closed yin-fan closed 7 years ago

yin-fan commented 7 years ago

hexo clean 和 hexo g 都可以正常运行,但是运行hexo s的时候提示:

hexo s --debug

09:18:58.453 DEBUG Hexo version: 3.2.2 09:18:58.456 DEBUG Working directory: ~/project/hexo/ 09:18:58.523 DEBUG Config loaded: ~/project/hexo/_config.yml 09:18:58.549 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------- 09:18:58.550 INFO qiniu state: online 09:18:58.550 INFO qiniu sync: true 09:18:58.550 INFO qiniu local dir: static 09:18:58.550 INFO qiniu url: 09:18:58.550 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------- 09:18:58.590 DEBUG Plugin loaded: hexo-qiniu-sync 09:18:58.592 DEBUG Script loaded: themes/next/scripts/tags/center-quote.js 09:18:58.592 DEBUG Script loaded: themes/next/scripts/merge-configs.js 09:18:58.593 DEBUG Script loaded: themes/next/scripts/tags/full-image.js 09:18:58.593 DEBUG Script loaded: themes/next/scripts/tags/group-pictures.js Usage: hexo

Commands: clean Removed generated files and cache. config Get or set configurations. deploy Deploy your website. generate Generate static files. help Get help on a command. init Create a new Hexo folder. list List the information of the site migrate Migrate your site from other system to Hexo. new Create a new post. publish Moves a draft post from _drafts to _posts folder. qiniu Qiniu sync render Render files with renderer plugins. version Display version information.

Global Options: --config Specify config file instead of using _config.yml --cwd Specify the CWD --debug Display all verbose messages in the terminal --draft Display draft posts --safe Disable all plugins and scripts --silent Hide output on console

For more help, you can use 'hexo help [command]' for the detailed information or you can check the docs: 09:18:58.598 DEBUG Database saved

Process finished with exit code 0


gyk001 commented 7 years ago

@yin-fan 请更新1.4.5版本,bug已修复