gyroflow / gyroflow

Video stabilization using gyroscope data
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.22k stars 264 forks source link

Ability to export 3D "solved" camera Data #790

Open Joegenco opened 4 months ago

Joegenco commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing feature request for this?


Hello! I've been looking to build a camera tracking workflow which uses the gyro data to get accurate camera orientation.

I stumbled upon gyroflow and couldn't find any references to exporting a 3D camera from it.

Is there a way to export the resulting camera track as an FBX or at-least a Json file to bring into a 3d software to reconstruct a 3D camera solve?

This would be really helpful, your time responding is much appreciated!

AdrianEddy commented 4 months ago

There's but with version v1.5.1 or later, use this updated script:

jumpjack commented 3 months ago

Does anybody know how to use such exported data to feed FFMPEG (or anything else) to stabilize a 360° equirectangular video?