gyroflow / gyroflow

Video stabilization using gyroscope data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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smoothed gyro data or final applied rotation matrics for image stabilization #835

Closed Ming-chwan closed 2 weeks ago

Ming-chwan commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing feature request for this?


I just want use the smoothed gyro data or saying , the final rotation matrics for video rotation before GPU rending, any method to dump these information ? Thanks

AdrianEddy commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, just use the .gyroflow project file (save as "Project file (with processed gyro data)". See also

Ming-chwan commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks AdrianEddy, another doubt is, the script will dump (timestamp, quaternions) info into a file , does it represent the content of varible smoothed_quat1 in code fragment : let smoothed_quat1:Unit<Quaternion> = gyro.smoothed_quat_at_timestamp(timestamp_ms); ?.

if it is YES, I just use the smoothed quaternions (rotation ) to generate a rotation matric in my program to rotate my video frame as it does in

AdrianEddy commented 2 weeks ago
