The deployment of deb packages should be discontinued for the following reason:
There is no real advantage of having deb packages besides docker-compose
Managing deb dependencies is a pain
Deb package/dependencies have different names on different systems
balloon v2.7 has dependencies to php extensions which must be manually compiled #382
I do not want users to encourage to use the way more complicated installation of dep packages and all their dependencies over just usint hit and run docker-compose
We dont really have control over indirect dependencies such as eleasticsearch and their version
Support different init systems is a pain, intiv, upstart, systemd, ...
Additional context
This will also apply to the web interface but not client utilities such as the desktop app.
Describe the change
Currently balloon gets shipped as:
The deployment of deb packages should be discontinued for the following reason:
Additional context
This will also apply to the web interface but not client utilities such as the desktop app.