gysmo38 / mitsubishi2MQTT

Mitsubishi to MQTT with ESP8266 module
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Kinda bricked D1 mini? #126

Closed AkdM closed 3 years ago

AkdM commented 3 years ago

Hey there.

So I've managed to get everything to work, but I noticed that now I just can't flash to something else. Because the USB way couldn't work, I've used the OTA fw upgrade from the web UI, and it apparently worked (to a basic LED blinking). But now that I've done this, it just won't get any info or flash.

Here are the commands I've tried: -p /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 read_mac -p /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 chip_id etc.

The only output I have is the following:

> -p /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 read_mac v3.0
Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-1420

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header

The Connecting dots run for like 10-15 seconds then fails with the above error. In the same time, the LED from the chip is blinking about every 2 seconds.

I've of course tried multiple USB cables, multiple ports, multiple baud rates, tried on another computer and everything, grounded D3 (GPIO0) but nothing worked. I have another D1 Mini which works, and I do everything the same.

Any of you experienced the issue? I'm on macOS by the way.


lesleypersyn commented 3 years ago

Power off d1, push button d1, keep pushing, connect usb cable (or power) release button, try to flash...

AkdM commented 3 years ago

@lesleypersyn Nope, still nothing. It only blinks the blue LED when esptool is trying to connect.

lesleypersyn commented 3 years ago

Best way to be sure is to test with another d1....

AkdM commented 3 years ago

Yep, I have another one and it works well. I don't event push the RST button, I simply connect the USB, and do things. But I guess something is broken since even ´read_mac´ won't output anything.

lesleypersyn commented 3 years ago

Something can be broken.always buy 'spares'!

AkdM commented 3 years ago

You're right. It's a chance they cost less than $3 each!

reibuehl commented 3 years ago

I had great success with Tasmotizer ( in the past flashing ESPs that I couldn't flash with anything else. Export a Blink sketch for the D1 Mini from Arduino IDE and use Tasmotizer to flash that binary to the D1 and see if this sorts the issue out.

AkdM commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the input, but it doesn't change anything, since even esptool read_mac won't output anything 😞

AkdM commented 3 years ago

I'm closing it since I think it's a faulty unit.