gysmo38 / mitsubishi2MQTT

Mitsubishi to MQTT with ESP8266 module
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
371 stars 132 forks source link

Nightly builds #221

Closed danepowell closed 11 months ago

danepowell commented 1 year ago

I want to update my heat pumps to use . If mitsubishi2MQTT had a nightly release, I could just download the bin instead of having to spend time compiling.

Additionally, I find nightly builds to be a best practice in order to catch breaking changes in dependencies. When your last release was 5+ months ago and something breaks, it can be much harder to figure out the root cause.

mbbush commented 11 months ago

Does @gysmo38 have to pay for each of these builds, or does GHA offer some sort of free tier for OSS projects? It seems like if they had such a policy, it would quickly be abused by crypto miners.

danepowell commented 11 months ago

Actions is free for public repos:

prashker commented 11 months ago

👍 +1 for this. I only realized by virtue of having to compile it myself, that the "latest" version is 2023.1.0 - yet the most recent compiled binaries are 2022.x.

I'm not familiar with workflows too much, but I know this particular project has a bunch of languages supported that seem to be included at compile time (as opposed to being selectable in app config - maybe to reduce image size?) - effectively having a separate binary per language - I'm wondering if the current workflow logic is simply going to compile the English binary because that is the default?

Having said that - this feels like a project on life support, might warrant a fork if supporter is unavailable.

@gysmo38 @gysmo38 @gysmo38 - I summon you!

gysmo38 commented 11 months ago

I don't known how nightly build work, I juste merge the request to see how it work.

danepowell commented 11 months ago

It's working! 🚀 You can find last night's build with artifacts attached here:

prashker commented 11 months ago
