gysmo38 / mitsubishi2MQTT

Mitsubishi to MQTT with ESP8266 module
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
371 stars 132 forks source link

Stopped working all of the sudden #260

Closed shalak closed 4 months ago

shalak commented 4 months ago

I'm using Wemos D1 mini clone, I had Mitsubishi2MQTT 0.7.3 flashed and everything was working OK for years until now.

The device got disconnected from MQTT, which happened once or twice before, usually around Hassio updates, every time simple reboot/power-cycle fixed the issue.

However, this time, when I rebooted, the device did not connect to my wifi, not fully at least - I see it in my wireless clients, but the IP does not respond to pings, the DHCP lease for it did not get assigned, I also see the SSID HVAC_XXXXXX being broadcasted. I tried connecting to it, with no luck. According to the, the password should be identical to SSID, but doesn't allow the connection, claiming that the password it incorrect. However, README also mentions that the SSID should contains last 4 digits of the hw address, but mine contains 6.

I power-cycled the AC unit, nothing changes - The unit keeps connecting to my wifi for couple of minutes, then it disappears.

I have another AC unit, running the same hardware and the same firmware version - it works perfectly (and I don't see its SSID being broadcasted).

What might be going on?

shalak commented 4 months ago

...and just by itself, it started to work, all of the sudden. No changes were introduces since yesterday.
