Test 1
1) Open the app on https://ubcse442-musicalchairs.herokuapp.com
2) Sign-in with the username "xyz" and the password "Xyz12345@".
3) Click the 'Play Game' button.
4) Click Classic Mode.
5) Choose the correct answer with 25 seconds remaining and receive 46 points.
6) Choose the correct answer with 15 seconds remaining and receive 10 points.
7) Choose the correct answer with 5 seconds remaining and receive 2 points.
Task Tests
Test 1 1) Open the app on https://ubcse442-musicalchairs.herokuapp.com 2) Sign-in with the username "xyz" and the password "Xyz12345@". 3) Click the 'Play Game' button. 4) Click Classic Mode. 5) Choose the correct answer with 25 seconds remaining and receive 46 points. 6) Choose the correct answer with 15 seconds remaining and receive 10 points. 7) Choose the correct answer with 5 seconds remaining and receive 2 points.