Open ghost opened 11 years ago
Hi this a known "issue" i think. It is on the Todo list of gza: "Todo: ...
Sorry, it is my next work, but not today :) I keep this issue open until it is done ...
BTW, @bilbob74 could you please confirm if others issues you reported are corrected with last version ?
I could try it today. At the moment, my son blocks my PC :-)
@gza: it seems to work. I have readded in backend/occombined/occombined.php
/* BEGIN fmbiete's contribution r1528, ZP-320 */
* Indicates which AS version is supported by the backend.
* @access public
* @return string AS version constant
public function GetSupportedASVersion() {
return ZPush::ASV_14;
/* END fmbiete's contribution r1528, ZP-320 */
This should return EAS Version 14 and HTML Mail Support. Main AS Version is 2.5 (without HTML Mail Support). If different Backends, use different AS Version, the lowest Version is used at all.So this returns the same version as in BackendIMAP.
what worked ? I closed #6
For AS14, I'll wait to figure out what will be the effects on other components than email (that I don't use).
OK, back to the Contactsync. All Phonenumbers, i enter to the Phone synced to OwnCloud without a type. If i enter a Mobilnumber, it sends only a Phonenumber, without Type "Mobil". Pager is send as Phonenumber, Company isnt send at all, Fax is send as pure Phonenumber (both, private and work). The same is by email. All 3 Mails are added (private, work and other on the Phone), but added in OwnCloud withoud Type. The Address is always add as Workaddress. I have added on the Phone a Private, Work and other Address. The Note and the anniversary arent added. Other not added fields: Partnerinfo, Childinfo, Office Location, Jobtitle (Position), second surname, nickname and title. The Photo looks very nice.
I dont know, if the correct infos are send and only not visible in OwnCloud, but they are visible on the Phone, where i have entered them. Next i will try the same from OwnCloud to the Phone.
Ah pardon second surname, Title and Prefix are realy there, only not visible in the default Contactinfo in OwnCLoud, so this is ok.
OwnCloud to Phone:
Send to the Phone Name Surname Companyname second name titel and suffix Birthday Mail, with correct types (maybe this was luck) Home address is send, but as Type "other"
Not send: Nickname Work Phone Page (send as Private 2), all other Phones with specified type Workaddress other address website Photo added in OwnCloud was not transfered to the Phone
thats all, what i can enter in Owncloud. There is no field for partner, Child, Office Location, Anniversary and position. Maybe this is the reason for the above, not displayed fields.
as i have seen now, the Phone reports a error. If i resync it 3 times, the error is gone, but the Testcontact from the last owncloud Test also. The Contact is available on the Phone. Wait, i send you the logfile.
17/12/2012 19:59:36 [ 4223] [ERROR] [userp1] z_RFC822 error: Invalid address spec. Unmatched quote or bracket (<>) 17/12/2012 19:00:41 [ 6464] [ERROR] [userp1] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionPreviousConnectionFailed(): Command 'Sync' at 17/12/2012 18:59:59 with pid '4794' terminated unexpectedly or is still running. 17/12/2012 19:00:41 [ 6464] [ERROR] [userp1] Please check your logs for this PID and errors like PHP-Fatals or Apache segmentation faults and report your results to the Z-Push dev team. 17/12/2012 19:01:06 [ 6464] [ERROR] [userp1] Ignored broken message (SyncContact). Reason: '2' Folderid: 'o/contacts' message id '42733e10ea' 17/12/2012 19:05:22 [ 7295] [ERROR] [userp1] Ignored broken message (SyncMail). Reason: '2' Folderid: 'i/0be05d9d' message id '256' 17/12/2012 19:36:49 [23535] [ERROR] [userp1] Ignored broken message (SyncContact). Reason: '2' Folderid: 'o/contacts' message id 'c8dbff1a9b'
for some odd reason, i hadnt activated LOGLEVEL_WBXML. I will turn it on.
Sorry, but i give up for today, Now i stuck at a loop and cant get out of it. I dont have access to the Console of the server, since its a pure webhoster. I will setup a OwnCloud next timne on a VMWare Ubuntu Installation. Maybe i can get a Raspberry Pi for testing. I dont know if i could help. But for today it must be enough. Tomorrow i must test in my comapnay the whole day. Im a Software Tester there...
thanks for your tests, I'll try to work on it this week. But please make a new issue for each problem so we could follow them... I'll keep you in touch, thanks again.
@bilbob74 I splited you 2 issues in #11 and #12
is there any news on the multiple calendar enhancement? :) love the ownCloud z-push implementation! Sync very nice with ownCloud 4.5.6 and CynanogenMod 10.1 on my Nexus 4 but I really need the multiple calendars, tried to start implementing on my own but I don't know where to start, been inspecting the code for a few hours now..
if i have more than one calendar, only the default calendar is synced from OwnCloud to the Phone.