h-REA / ecosystem

[OUTDATED] Container for Holochain/REA community of practise and associated documentation.
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Create Holo-REA system design guidelines / tutorial #2

Open pospi opened 5 years ago

pospi commented 5 years ago

We'll eventually need something like the setup and configuration tutorials @fosterlynn did for NRP:

For now, it's about answering the high-level questions needed to share an REA-based economic network together; namely these things minus the last few: https://speakerdeck.com/mikorizal/configuring-nrp?slide=2

It is these decisions around shared ontologies which will ultimately define where the boundaries of an economic network lie. This makes sense- you can only communicate with others if you're speaking the same language. So I imagine it like this:

Thus, the first design steps for a group considering collaborating via REA accounting should be choosing ontologies and modelling resource/process flows; and it would be amazing to have some words to guide others through this in the wiki (:

pospi commented 5 years ago

One goal for me here is to educate people about classifications and the semantic web and provide them with the tools they need to do a really good job of selecting a common vocabulary.

fosterlynn commented 5 years ago

One goal for me here is to educate people about classifications and the semantic web and provide them with the tools they need to do a really good job of selecting a common vocabulary.

Ping @elf-pavlik who has the most experience in this area.

pospi commented 5 years ago

Will share thoughts here as they come out of consulting experiences. An important guideline to mention is that not everything in an app needs to be represented in ValueFlows, which is where some modelling falls down. Important to note that the intention is for VF to be part of an application, and there will be things going on outside of the economic interactions which need to be considered and interplay with VF, but need not be represented as VF.