h-mdm / hmdm-server

Mobile Device Management System for Android: web control panel. Manage Android devices, install and update apps, get device info. See website for more features!
Apache License 2.0
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implementing support for fdroid app repos as app install source #104

Open eighthave opened 4 weeks ago

eighthave commented 4 weeks ago

F-Droid (https://f-droid.org) provides a standard format for repositories of apps. There are many client apps that read repositories and install apps from them. hmdm-server could be a client. That would make it really easy to manage app installation in hmdm-server. There are a number of tools for managing fdroid-compatible repos (CLI fdroidserver Web GUI Repomaker etc). If hmdm-server can pull apps from fdroid repos, then it can automatically provide APKs and even pull updates.

There is a library for making it easy to download and verify the app index format:


I and other F-Droid contributors would be happy to help get this implemented. I've done plenty of Java for Android, but never Tomcat.