[ ] If User has "admin" role, allow them to archive a trip (this must be done before they remove the trip record from their user trips list). Old trip-linked items would need updating to prepend "_archived" to all related tripName field values. Also notice that it may need to check for unique trip name (if "archived_tktktktk" exists, offer to append a number?).
[ ] Create a "trips" collection and trip status key. This is the easiest way to identify associated items. Persist trip status key in UI.
[ ] Create a flow for updating all items in each collection (_expenses, _reviews, _activities) and in User trips arrays with the updated trip name.
[ ] Update non-GET endpoints to check trip status key and reject. Only reviews associated with the trip are allowed edits.
Must come after validation checks added to endpoints.
Possibly make irreversible.
Must come after validation checks added to endpoints. Possibly make irreversible.