I believe your scripts are exactly what I am looking for. THANK YOU in advance. I am terribly sorry to ask; however, would you be able to recommend how to run this tool to support the following?
My goal is to have a folder per movie with a STRM files accordingly and for series, to have a folder per series with a sub folder per season with STRM files accordingly. Here are examples of how movies and series appear in my M3U file.
#EXTINF:-1,Mad Men S01E01
#EXTINF:-1,Mad Men S01E02
#EXTINF:-1,30 Miles from Nowhere (2018)
I believe your scripts are exactly what I am looking for. THANK YOU in advance. I am terribly sorry to ask; however, would you be able to recommend how to run this tool to support the following?
My goal is to have a folder per movie with a STRM files accordingly and for series, to have a folder per series with a sub folder per season with STRM files accordingly. Here are examples of how movies and series appear in my M3U file.
THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance!