h20liquidity / h20.communitystrats

Community strategies to share
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Review community strategies list and define build plan #11

Open dcatki opened 2 weeks ago

dcatki commented 1 week ago


In PRs

Will build after grid/trading done

Will build after grid/trading done

Questions / working / iterating / building

dcatki commented 1 day ago
Test 1-2 strategies immediately e.g. streaming dca two sided on first call
Define goals and initial 2-3 streagies and get them up and running asap
Scale out first 2-3 strategies with tiny group
4.Expand internal strategies to 4-5
Identify 10-20 ppl who would be interested in commiunity liquidty
Write our internal comms for them to engage plus share deployed strategies
Get all liquisity provider input into ideal strategies
Deploy with up to 10 ppl using raindex
build front end with the most common 3 strategies with variables for ppl to diy

-- Start with 2-3 people, move to 10, expand to 25 then open to everyone