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1 Is there any method to copy from savePath to "collect_${savePath}"? ; 2 Check whether there is a method to clear the vicinity by a specific directory or by a time range. #413

Open leeyisoft opened 1 year ago

leeyisoft commented 1 year ago

My needs: It is planned to create a function similar to "Favorites inside wechat", where the favorites chat is posted pictures, videos, files and other information that users think is important.

My current situation: The picture, video, and file data of user parameters in chat are stored in a specific directory and at a specific time (String savePath = "/$prefix/${dt.year}${dt.month}/${dt.day}_${dt.hour}/";). I plan to delete the files in savePath for more than six months or a year on a regular basis.

My assumption: When the user is collecting an attachment, I will copy the original file corresponding to the above savePath to the "collect_${savePath}" directory, so that I can regularly delete the files under the savePath for half a year or more at ease

My question 1 Is there any method to copy from savePath to "collect_${savePath}"? 2 Check whether there is a method to clear the vicinity by a specific directory or by a time range.

我的需求: 计划做一个类似”微信里面的收藏“功能,收藏聊天的是发布的图片、视频、文件等用户觉得重要的信息。

我的现状: 用户在聊天中参数的图片、视频、文件数据按特定目录、特定时间存储在 ( String savePath = "/$prefix/${dt.year}${dt.month}/${dt.day}_${dt.hour}/";),我计划定期删除超过半年或者一年的 savePath 里面的文件。

我的设想: 用户在收藏摸个附件的时候,我就上述 savePath 对应的原始文件 copy一份到 "collect_${savePath}" 目录,让后我就可以定期的放心删除半年或者一年以上的 savePath 下面的文件了

我的请问 1 有没有 从 savePath 复制到 "collect_${savePath}" 的方法; 2 有没有 按特定目录或者按时间段清理附近的方法。