h2oai / h2o4gpu

H2Oai GPU Edition
Apache License 2.0
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Installation of h2o4gpu on Kaggle using reticulate package #875

Closed Swagician closed 2 years ago

Swagician commented 2 years ago

Environment (for bugs)

Kaggle config in an R notebook: python: /miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python libpython: /miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/lib/libpython3.7m.so pythonhome: /miniconda/envs/r-reticulate:/miniconda/envs/r-reticulate version: 3.7.11 (default, Jul 27 2021, 14:32:16) [GCC 7.5.0] numpy: /miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy numpy_version: 1.18.5

python versions found: /miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

Code used

devtools::install_github("h2oai/h2o4gpu", subdir = "src/interface_r")


Trying to install the h2o4gpu in a Kaggle R notebook results in a failure. Installation process and error message are pasted below. Package was used and installed on the platform without problems at least until 28th September, 2021. Now it throws out an error connected to the LightGBM package.

Downloading GitHub repo h2oai/h2o4gpu@HEAD

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/cub /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../cub

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/xgboost /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../xgboost

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/py3nvml /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../py3nvml

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/scikit-learn.git /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../scikit-learn

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/google/googletest.git /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../tests/googletest

'/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/LightGBM.git /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../LightGBM

Warning message in system(full, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = quiet): “running command ''/usr/bin/git' clone --depth 1 --no-hardlinks --recurse-submodules https://github.com/h2oai/LightGBM.git /tmp/Rtmp0osEej/remotesf6fa0ec80/h2oai-h2o4gpu-aaf7795/src/interface_r/../../LightGBM' had status 1” Error: Failed to install 'h2o4gpu' from GitHub: Command failed (1) Traceback:

  1. devtools::install_github("h2oai/h2o4gpu", subdir = "src/interface_r")
  2. pkgbuild::with_build_tools({ . ellipsis::check_dots_used(action = getOption("devtools.ellipsis_action", . rlang::warn)) . { . remotes <- lapply(repo, github_remote, ref = ref, subdir = subdir, . auth_token = auth_token, host = host) . install_remotes(remotes, auth_token = auth_token, host = host, . dependencies = dependencies, upgrade = upgrade, force = force, . quiet = quiet, build = build, build_opts = build_opts, . build_manual = build_manual, build_vignettes = build_vignettes, . repos = repos, type = type, ...) . } . }, required = FALSE)
  3. install_remotes(remotes, auth_token = auth_token, host = host, . dependencies = dependencies, upgrade = upgrade, force = force, . quiet = quiet, build = build, build_opts = build_opts, build_manual = build_manual, . build_vignettes = build_vignettes, repos = repos, type = type, . ...)
  4. tryCatch(res[[i]] <- install_remote(remotes[[i]], ...), error = function(e) { . stop(remote_install_error(remotes[[i]], e)) . })
  5. tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  6. tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
  7. value[3L]
Swagician commented 2 years ago

As of October 4th the issue resolved itself. Not sure whether it was connected to the LightGBM submodule update or a Kaggle problem.