h2oai / h2o4gpu

H2Oai GPU Edition
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H2o4GPU build Failed #877

Open Naresh-Eddula opened 1 year ago

Naresh-Eddula commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm trying to build H2O4GPU using the below specs: GCC - 7.5.0 CUDA - 10.0 OS: Ubuntu-22.04 I'm following the steps from: https://github.com/h2oai/h2o4gpu/blob/master/DEVEL.md to build the application. While running the below command: make fullinstall USENVTX=0 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug USENCCL=0 USECUDA=1 INSTALL_R=0 DEV_BUILD=ON I'm getting the errors as shown below

`bash ./scripts/apply_sklearn_pipinstall.sh DEPRECATION: Constraints are only allowed to take the form of a package name and a version specifier. Other forms were originally permitted as an accident of the implementation, but were undocumented. The new implementation of the resolver no longer supports these forms. A possible replacement is replacing the constraint with a requirement. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8210 ERROR: Constraints cannot have extras bash ./scripts/apply_sklearn_link.sh find: ‘../../../sklearn/h2o4gpu’: No such file or directory find: ‘../../../sklearn/h2o4gpu’: No such file or directory bash ./scripts/apply_sklearn_initmerge.sh cat: sklearn/h2o4gpu/init.py: No such file or directory cd src/interface_py/; python setup.py --version > ../../build/VERSION.txt Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/opt/ms1_user/deps/miniconda3/envs/santosh/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/init.py", line 344, in get_provider     module = sys.modules[moduleOrReq] KeyError: 'h2o4gpu'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):   File "setup.py", line 106, in     exec(f.read(), about_info)   File "", line 23, in   File "/opt/ms1_user/deps/miniconda3/envs/santosh/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/init.py", line 1130, in resource_filename     return get_provider(package_or_requirement).get_resource_filename(   File "/opt/ms1_user/deps/miniconda3/envs/santosh/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pkg_resources/init.py", line 346, in get_provider     import(moduleOrReq)   File "/mnt/efs/fs1/ms1_user/workspace/applications/H2O4GPU/h2o4gpu/src/interface_py/h2o4gpu/init.py", line 17, in     from .solvers.truncated_svd import TruncatedSVDH2O   File "/mnt/efs/fs1/ms1_user/workspace/applications/H2O4GPU/h2o4gpu/src/interface_py/h2o4gpu/solvers/init.py", line 8, in     from ..solvers.elastic_net import ElasticNetH2O   File "/mnt/efs/fs1/ms1_user/workspace/applications/H2O4GPU/h2o4gpu/src/interface_py/h2o4gpu/solvers/elastic_net.py", line 15, in     from h2o4gpu.linear_model import coordinate_descent as sk ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'h2o4gpu.linear_model `

could you please recommend with what version of the compiler and toolkit we are supposed to build the app? Also, please let us know how to resolve the issues i am facing.