h2oai / h2ogpt

Private chat with local GPT with document, images, video, etc. 100% private, Apache 2.0. Supports oLLaMa, Mixtral, llama.cpp, and more. Demo: https://gpt.h2o.ai/ https://codellama.h2o.ai/
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to load models #1689

Closed anagonzalez02 closed 2 weeks ago

anagonzalez02 commented 2 weeks ago

Currently in the last commit: 2e57e764c0bf2c595ff1259f477f0156a5f75890 Executing this script to load a model in a linux system:

TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=true python generate.py \
    --base_model=Qwen/Qwen2-7B-Instruct --prompt_type=qwen --use_gpu_id=True --gpu_id=-1 --max_seq_len=8192 \
    --user_path=/opt/myDocuments/arsys.es/html/ --langchain_mode='UserData' --max_quality=True \
    --add_chat_history_to_context=True --keep_sources_in_context=True --enable_ocr=True --enable_doctr=True \
    --answer_with_sources=True --show_link_in_sources=True --append_sources_to_chat=True \
    --hf_embedding_model="hkunlp/instructor-xl" \
    --memory_restriction_level=0 --score_model=None --verbose=True \
    --show_examples=True --compile_model=True \
    --src_lang='Spanish' --tgt_lang='Spanish' \
    --debug=True \
    --pre_prompt_query='Always answer as helpfully as possible and follow ALL given instructions. Do not speculate or make up any kind of information. As long as you can, give responses in spanish language.' \
I get the following error:


pseudotensor commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, should be fixed now.