h2oai / h2ogpt

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Support private CA #1743

Closed tomkraljevic closed 1 month ago

tomkraljevic commented 1 month ago

What happens currently

When the models that h2ogpt are pointing to are https and signed with a private CA the connection attempt errors out with an untrusted SSL certificate error.

What I want to happen

  1. the helm chart should support a caCertificates section like other components from h2o.ai
  2. the deployment user supplies one or more PEM-format certificates in caCertificates
  3. the user-supplied caCertificates should be unioned with the set of root certificates that come by default with the pod
  4. this unioned list of certificates should be put in a place where the underlying software will find it
  5. the h2ogpt client honors the private CA, and the remote server is considered trusted, and the connection succeeds

Some implementation details

tomkraljevic commented 1 month ago

Methodogy I used to experimentally jam in certificates by hand, to see which file the current code/pod was really picking up the certs from.

1.  create the configmap:

root@ip-10-0-1-175:/home/ubuntu/tomk-1.5.1-07-15# head tomk-cacert-config 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: h2ogpt
  name: tomk
  cert.pem: |
    # Local box

2.  hack the h2ogpt deployment to add a volume and volumeMount:

        - mountPath: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
          name: tomk
          subPath: cert.pem

      - configMap:
          name: tomk
        name: tomk
pseudotensor commented 1 month ago

To clarify, h2oGPT just uses OpenAI API pypi package for connecting to vllm etc. Nothing related to these issues would be involving any other part of h2oGPT.

tomkraljevic commented 1 month ago

a suggestion:

httpx has env vars. maybe an init container could cat /etc/ssl/cert.pem with the provided caCertificates, write them to a new location, and set the SSL_CERT_FILE env var so they get picked up.

this would prevent the need for any code changes in the image.


pseudotensor commented 1 month ago

Not sure relevant, but just googled for moment:


import os 
os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = <path_to_pem_certificate>
tomkraljevic commented 1 month ago

so i can confirm this env var SSL_CERT_FILE does make a difference.

achraf-mer commented 1 month ago

both PRs above are merged. Please re-open if more changes are required. Thanks

tomkraljevic commented 1 month ago

so for consistency, it would be better if it used the caCertificates-style of passing in the private CA stuff. (from the "what i want to happen" section at the top of the ticket.)

achraf-mer commented 1 month ago

so for consistency, it would be better if it used the caCertificates-style of passing in the private CA stuff. (from the "what i want to happen" section at the top of the ticket.)

done here: https://github.com/h2oai/h2ogpt/pull/1758, PTAL, thanks.