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I have many documents on my website, how to add all of them to the database? #419

Open FunnyRyan opened 1 year ago

FunnyRyan commented 1 year ago

I have many documents on my website, and I want to add all of them to the database and return the URL of the webpage where the document is located in response to a chat query. How can I implement this?

jaimehrubiks commented 1 year ago

This sounds like an amazing feature

Maybe it can be implemented in a different way, like, for example, having an optional metadata file that maps each file to a URL or a location, and then download all the HTML files through some Linux utility and create that metadata file. This way it would also be useful not only for websites but also for other documentation software like notes, notion, OneNote...

pseudotensor commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's a good idea. Right now you can provide list of urls as sources, but having it scrape all docs on a page makes more sense most of time. I've done that before for another project using bs4.

One example, where goal is to zip-up logs.

def download_path(url_base, dest_path=None, log_pattern=False):
    import bs4

    r = requests.get(url_base)
    data = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
    urls = [x.get('href') for x in data.find_all("a")]
    urls = [x for x in urls if x is not None]
    if log_pattern:
        urls = [x for x in urls if '.log' in x and 'anonymized' not in x]
        urls = [x for x in urls if x.endswith('.log')]
    for url in urls:
        zip_dest_expected = os.path.join(dest_path, '%s.zip' % url)
        if not os.path.isfile(zip_dest_expected):
            dest_expected = os.path.join(dest_path, url)
            if not os.path.isfile(dest_expected):
                dest = download(url_base + "/" + url, dest_path=dest_path)
                dest = dest_expected
            os.system("zip %s.zip %s" % (dest, dest))

Run like:

download_path("http://mr-0xg1:8080/job/dai-native-pipeline-nightly/job/dev/%s/artifact/test_benchmark_openml%d-x86_64-11.2.2/tmp/h2oaiopenml/" % (job, suite), dest_path=dest_path, log_pattern=True)

which scans through that page and gets all log files and zips them up.

Another fragment of use is this one, where for DriverlessAI we pull custom recipes from github that is a tree of locations:

    def get_urls_or_files(self, url):
        # convert various kinds of formats of what is passed to a list of urls or files
        if(' ' in url):
            check_urls = url.split(' ')
            check_urls = [url]
        for i in check_urls:
            if(not ContribLoader.valid_recipe_source(i)):
                err = f'Source for custom recipe does not match locked repository {config.custom_recipes_git_repo}'
                if(config.custom_recipes_git_branch != "None"):
                    err += f' and branch {config.custom_recipes_git_branch}'
                raise ValueError(err)
        if url.startswith("file://") and os.path.isfile(url[7:]):
            return [], [url[7:]]
        elif (url.startswith("http://github.com") or url.startswith(
                "https://github.com")) and '.py' not in url and ' ' not in url:
            struuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
            saved_path = "githubrepo%s" % struuid
            saved_path = os.path.join(self._root_dir, saved_path)

            if '/tree/' in url:
                url_repo = url.split('/tree/')[0]
                branch_hash = "/tree".join(url.split('/tree/')[1:]).split('/')[0]
                rel_path = "/".join("/tree".join(url.split('/tree/')[1:]).split('/')[1:])
                url_repo = url
                branch_hash = None
                rel_path = "/"

            from git.repo.base import Repo  # local import to avoid "Bad git executable" during python scoring on non-conda setup
            repo = Repo.clone_from(url_repo, saved_path)
            if branch_hash is not None:
            files_to_return = []
            for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(saved_path):
                if os.path.join(saved_path, rel_path) not in path:
                for file in files:
                    filename = os.path.join(path, file)
                    for name in self.names:
                        # models may have transformers in them etc.
                        if filename.endswith('.py') and \
                                "/" + name + "/" in filename and \
                                name + "_template" not in filename and \
                                name[0:-1] + "_template" not in filename and \
                                "how_to" not in filename and \
                                os.path.basename(filename) not in config.custom_recipes_excluded_filenames_from_repo_download:
            return [], files_to_return
        elif all(['.py' in x for x in url.split(' ')]):
            # assume string of "file1.py file2.py etc."
            return url.split(' '), []
            hrefs = self.get_hrefs(url)
            hrefs_py = [x for x in hrefs if x.endswith(".py")]
            links_py = [x if url in x else url + x for x in hrefs_py]
            # this is last resort if all other types fail, and so provide error if found nothing
            if len(links_py) == 0:
                raise ValueError("No python code (links ending in .py) found in url %s " % sanitize_github_url(url))
            return links_py, []

    def get_hrefs(self, url):
        import httplib2
        http = httplib2.Http()
        status, response = http.request(url)

        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
        links = []
        if status.status == 200:
            for link in BeautifulSoup(response, parse_only=SoupStrainer('a')):
                if hasattr(link, 'href'):
        return links

    def get_url_data(self, url):
        logger_url = sanitize_github_url(url)
        msg = []
        url_data = None
        url = url.strip()
        # convenience mapping from HTML pages in github to raw source
        if "/github.com/" in url and "/blob/" in url:
            url = url.replace("/github.com/", "/raw.githubusercontent.com/")
            url = url.replace("/blob/", "/")
                          "Automatically converting from HTML github page to raw source code URI: %s" % logger_url)
        if "h2oai/driverlessai-recipes/master" in url:
        trials = config.get_url_data_trials
        for trial in range(trials):
                request_kwargs = networking.get_common_request_kwargs(config)
                url_data = requests.get(url, **request_kwargs)
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                msg1 = "Problem with connecting to %s  Error: %s" % (str(logger_url), str(e))
                loggerwarning(self.logger, msg1)
                if trial == trials - 1:

        if url_data is None or url_data.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
            if url_data is not None:
                msg1 = "Cannot get url %s, code: %s, reason: %s" % (
                    str(logger_url), str(url_data.status_code), str(url_data.reason))
                loggerwarning(self.logger, msg1)
            if True or config.hard_asserts:
                raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(msg1)
                return url_data
        return url_data, msg
    def _load_custom_blueprints_url(self, url: str, load_global_packages_only=False):
        """ Load custom contrib code from (remote) location, such as GIT repository
        logger_url = sanitize_github_url(url)
        msg = []
            if len(url) > 0:
                content = None
                url_data = None
                if content is None:
                    url_data, msg_list1 = self.get_url_data(url)
                # dump url content to temporary file
                file = None
                    file_name = url.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
                    if '.py' != file_name[-3:] and '.py' in file_name:
                        # force .py ending in case token or other stuff there
                        file_name += ".py"
                    content = url_data.text
                    path = self._root_dir.joinpath("tmp", file_name)
                    if not os.path.isfile(path):
                        self.atomic_copy(dst=path, content=content)
                    file = os.path.relpath(path)
                    base_name_file = self.sanitize_identifier(os.path.basename(file).split('.py')[0])
                    msg_list = self._load_custom_blueprints_file(path=file, base_name=base_name_file,
                except FileNotFoundError as e:
                    t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                    ex = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(t, v, tb))
                    if config.hard_asserts:
                        ee = ex
                        ee = e
                                  'Loading custom %s from %s failed: %s.  Potential race, so not failing presuming another '
                                  'process did reasonable thing to the file (i.e. deleted it). During _load_custom_blueprints_url. global=%s' % (
                                      self.name, file, str(ee), load_global_packages_only))

                msg1 = 'Loading custom %s from GIT recipe failed. Invalid recipe URL=%s' % (self.name, logger_url)
                loggerwarning(self.logger, msg1)
                if config.hard_asserts:
                    raise RuntimeError(msg1)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            msg1 = 'Loading custom %s from url %s failed: %s' % (self.name, logger_url, str(e))
            loggerwarning(self.logger, msg1)
        except Exception as e:
            msg1 = 'Loading custom %s from url %s failed: %s' % (self.name, logger_url, str(e))
            loggerwarning(self.logger, msg1)
            if config.hard_asserts:
        return msg

For some url, the above is called like:

        if url:
            urls, files = self.get_urls_or_files(url)
            for url in urls:
                msg_list1 = self._load_custom_blueprints_url(url, load_global_packages_only=load_global_packages_only)