h2oai / wave-apps

Sample AI Apps built with H2O Wave.
MIT License
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Make example apps ready for python 3.10 #125

Closed mnezh closed 6 months ago

mnezh commented 6 months ago

Application dependencies for sample apps are outdated, most of the applications fail when deploying on appstore runtime newer than python 3.8. Here's the list of problematic dependencies (might have false positives, created with https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-ai-integration-testing/pull/463):

  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  matplotlib (✗ ambiguos package version)
  wordcloud (✗ ambiguos package version)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.6.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  https://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-zizler/7/Python/h2o- (✗ ambiguos package version)
  black==20.8b1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8-black==0.2.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-import-order==0.18.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-quotes==3.2.0 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8==3.8.4 (✓ py3 any)
  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  black==22.8.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.23.1 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave==0.24.2 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.5.2 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  plotly==5.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  siuba==0.4.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  pandas==1.1.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  boto3==1.16.23 (✓ py3 any)
  botocore==1.19.23 (✓ py3 any)
  certifi==2020.11.8 (✓ py3 any)
  click==7.1.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h11==0.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  httpcore==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  idna==2.10 (✓ py3 any)
  jmespath==0.10.0 (✓ py3 any)
  numpy==1.19.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pandas==1.1.4 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  python-dateutil==2.8.1 (✓ py3 any)
  pytz==2020.4 (✓ py3 any)
  rfc3986==1.4.0 (✓ py3 any)
  s3transfer==0.3.3 (✓ py3 any)
  six==1.15.0 (✓ py3 any)
  sniffio==1.2.0 (✓ py3 any)
  starlette==0.13.8 (✓ py3 any)
  typing-extensions== (✓ py3 any)
  urllib3==1.26.2 (✓ py3 any)
  uvicorn==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o_wave==0.20.0 (✓ py3 any)
  toml==0.10.2 (✓ py3 any)
  loguru==0.6.0 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  numpy==1.19.1 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  plotly==4.10.0 (✓ py3 any)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.7.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  requests (✗ ambiguos package version)
  tabulate (✗ ambiguos package version)
  colorama>=0.3.8 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  future (✗ ambiguos package version)
  https://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-zizler/7/Python/h2o- (✗ ambiguos package version)
  ./h2o_wave-nightly-py3-none-any.whl (✗ ambiguos package version)
  tweepy==3.9.0 (✓ py3 any)
  vaderSentiment (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o_wave==0.20.0 (✓ py3 any)
  toml==0.10.2 (✓ py3 any)
  loguru==0.6.0 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.4.1 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  matplotlib==3.5.1 (✓ 3.8, ✓ 3.9, ✓ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave==0.25.2 (✓ py3 any)
  mongoengine (✗ ambiguos package version)
  python-jose[cryptography] (✗ ambiguos package version)
  passlib[bcrypt] (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave==0.24.0 (✓ py3 any)
  certifi==2020.12.5 (✓ py3 any)
  click==7.1.2 (✓ py3 any)
  h11==0.11.0 (✓ py3 any)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  httpcore==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  httpx==0.16.1 (✓ py3 any)
  idna==2.10 (✓ py3 any)
  rfc3986==1.4.0 (✓ py3 any)
  sniffio==1.2.0 (✓ py3 any)
  starlette==0.13.8 (✓ py3 any)
  typing-extensions== (✓ py3 any)
  uvicorn==0.12.2 (✓ py3 any)
  pandas==1.1.0 (✓ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  pygments==2.7.1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  h2o-wave<1.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  h2o-wave-ml>=0.7.0 (✗ ambiguos package version)
  https://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-zizler/7/Python/h2o- (✗ ambiguos package version)
  black==20.8b1 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8-black==0.2.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-import-order==0.18.1 (✓ py3 any)
  flake8-quotes==3.2.0 (✗ 3.8, ✗ 3.9, ✗ 3.10, ✗ 3.12)
  flake8==3.8.4 (✓ py3 any)