h2oai / wave

Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R
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fix: ui dependencies in package-lock.json missing resolved/integrity fields #2300

Open sarcasticadmin opened 3 months ago

sarcasticadmin commented 3 months ago

The PR fulfills these requirements: (check all the apply)

Closes #2299

The following PR attempts to maintain the versions of node packages thats closest to the existing packages-lock.json. I was unable to find a way to simple populate the missing resolved/integrity fields in the original packages-lock.json

The process was as follows:

$ rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
# commit to be stricter for some packages (will explain why below)
$ npm install
$ npm install # This seemed to be required to add in eslint-plugin-wave entry
$ nix-build # see default.nix below

The result builds successfully. However, I have a couple of outstanding items I wanted to raise with the maintainers:

  1. npm test - I see a lot of failures but I suspect this could be due to being on node 18 since I see a ton of failures off main
  2. Is the package-lock.json reasonable?
  3. The reason I add additional strictness for some of the packages in packages.json was that I was getting the following error if I just ran rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm install. Whats odd is that react was still on ~17.0.2:
    $ nix-build
    > wave-ui@0.26.0 build
    > npx vite build

vite v4.5.3 building for production...

WARNING: You are currently running a version of TypeScript which is not officially supported by @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree.

You may find that it works just fine, or you may not.



Please only submit bug reports when using the officially supported version.

============= Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “latest” Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “latest” Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “latest” Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “latest” Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “latest” ✓ 2 modules transformed. ✓ built in 4.50s [vite-plugin-eslint] /build/ui/src/index.tsx 36:1 error ReactDOM.render is deprecated since React 18.0.0, use createRoot instead, see https://reactjs.org/link/switch-to-createroot react/no-deprecated

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

file: /build/ui/src/index.tsx error during build: RollupError: /build/ui/src/index.tsx 36:1 error ReactDOM.render is deprecated since React 18.0.0, use createRoot instead, see https://reactjs.org/link/switch-to-createroot react/no-deprecated

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

at error (file:///build/ui/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:2287:30)
at Object.error (file:///build/ui/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:25351:20)
at Object.error (file:///build/ui/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24472:42)
at Object.transform (/build/ui/node_modules/vite-plugin-eslint/dist/index.js:1:2469)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async transform (file:///build/ui/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24449:16)
at async ModuleLoader.addModuleSource (file:///build/ui/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/node-entry.js:24649:30)

ERROR: npm build failed ...

4. Unsure why running a second `npm install` added the `eslint-plugin-wave` entry. But maybe this is because it comes from wave-ui itself?

## System information

$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ nixos-version
23.11.20240117.8bf65f1 (Tapir)

default.nix placed in the ui subdir:

{ pkgs ? import
    (fetchTarball {
      url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/d3f8923899a36a1985b58804de2b0cb0862015cd.tar.gz";
      sha256 = "sha256:0m2jf3chas1dls1gk6q2dg8q9ciq8mmbxbbmpfi5hjj8wd09a5kx";
    { }
  #version = "1.1.1";
  #src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
  #  owner = "h2oai";
  #  repo = "wave";
  #  rev = "v${version}";
  #  sha256 = "sha256-fINuoJx7dPN613wLLzcC2aar5vz6L6qzAWm/bWgj9bo=";
  src = ./.;
pkgs.buildNpmPackage {
  #inherit version src;
  inherit src;
  name = "waved-ui";

  #sourceRoot = "${src.name}/ui";

  npmDepsHash = "sha256-nBd1qMxu57ven0hP/Qxh7uRUBMJOnXOp7RhtWJ3zotA=";

  nodejs = pkgs.nodejs_18;

  npmFlags = [ "--ignore-scripts" ];

  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall

    mkdir $out
    cp -r build $out/www

    runHook postInstall
mturoci commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the PR @sarcasticadmin!

npm test - I see a lot of failures but I suspect this could be due to being on node 18 since I see a ton of failures off main

I suppose you didn't run npm ci which respects package-lock.json, but used npm install which doesn't install the locked versions. I tried with Node 18 and tests pass.

Is the package-lock.json reasonable?

Hm... not really. I would expect to only see integrity hashes added where missing. This, however, also updates versions.

The reason I add additional strictness for some of the packages in packages.json was that I was getting the following error if I just ran rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm install

rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm install seems to not be the way to go here. Let's try the following instead:

I only tested with react, and it seems to work. Needs to be verified for the rest of the packages though.

sarcasticadmin commented 3 months ago

I suppose you didn't run npm ci which respects package-lock.json, but used npm install which doesn't install the locked versions. I tried with Node 18 and tests pass.

Nope I didnt run it that way, will retry with npm ci. Thanks for the tip

Hm... not really. I would expect to only see integrity hashes added where missing. This, however, also updates versions.

I would agree. You'd think npm would make this easier :laughing:

Let's try the following instead:

Find all the packages in package-lock that do not have integrity hash specified, e.g. react. (tip: use jq). Run npm i lib>@<exact_version, so in this case npm i react@17.0.2. Check if hashes were added (e.g. via git diff).

Right on, Ill give that a go and report back

sarcasticadmin commented 2 months ago


https://github.com/h2oai/wave/pull/2300/commits/7a4be6ef32135b8df9912b137dd4baef50c541ec was a result of the following commands. The oneliner excessive but I think it proves out the point adding the exact versions via npm. This was ran against all packages in packages.json since only doing the subset of missing SHAs seemed like it would lead to more version drift if we didnt explicitly call all packages:

$ cp package-lock.json orig-package-lock.json
$ rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
$ cat orig-package-lock.json | \
jq -r '.packages | to_entries[] | if .value.dev == true then .value.dev = "--save-dev" end | [.key,.value.version,.value.dev // ""] | @tsv' | \
sed 's/^node_modules\///' | \
grep -v 'node_modules' | \
tail -n +3 | tr -s '[:blank:]' '@' | \
rev  |  sed 's/@/ /' | rev | \
xargs -I {} npm i {}

Some additional comments:

mturoci commented 2 months ago

Thanks @sarcasticadmin! Seems like we will need to wait for https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4460 to provide official way to fix this.

In the meantime, I am wondering whether there is a way to disable the nix check.

sarcasticadmin commented 2 months ago

Thanks @sarcasticadmin! Seems like we will need to wait for https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4460 to provide official way to fix this.

I doubt npm will get to this anytime soon, this has been open since 2022.

I'll take another stab at this by calculating the integrity and including resolved and integrity per package in the package-lock.json. That should get us to where we need to be, its just a little more brute force. Does that sound reasonable?

In the meantime, I am wondering whether there is a way to disable the nix check.

I opted to use the published release for the ui components: https://github.com/sandra-radio/ebb/blob/c3b3644e7d3141cda7e93cea1aec362a25792d15/nix/pkgs/waved.nix#L18-L30

mturoci commented 2 months ago

I'll take another stab at this by calculating the integrity and including resolved and integrity per package in the package-lock.json. That should get us to where we need to be, its just a little more brute force. Does that sound reasonable?

Pretty hacky, but I guess there is no other way to do this properly. Sounds good to me!

I opted to use the published release for the ui components
