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feat: Allow alignment for ui.text #1370 #2336

Closed dbranley closed 1 month ago

dbranley commented 1 month ago

Closes #1370

The PR fulfills these requirements: (check all that apply)

As requested in the ticket, I have added a new align prop in text.tsx. The possible values are start, end, center, and justify, with a default of start. This new prop is then passed down through the style prop for Fluent.Text. The code change in ui/src/text.tsx looks like this:

  /** The alignment of the text content. Defaults to 'start'. */
  align?: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'justify'
    <Fluent.Text data-test={name} variant={toTextVariant(size || 'm')} style={{ textAlign: align || 'start'}} block className='w-text'>

I then ran the make generate target to update the generated python and R code to reflect this new attribute in files, such as py/h2o_wave/h2o_wave/ui.py.

I have updated the documentation in website/widgets/form/text.md with a new section called Alignment. I ran the make targets to regenerate the documentation artifacts and you can see a screen shot of that here:


I tested this with a new custom python example that uses the new align attribute available for ui.text. You can find this at py/examples/text_alignment.py. And here is a screen shot of the new example:


I created a new unit test in text.test.tsx, where it tests each of the possible values for the new prop, along with confirming it defaults to start. Here is a snipit from the test:

const textAlignPropValues: Text['align'][] = ['start', 'end', 'center', 'justify']
  it('Renders Text with the align prop', () => {
    const { queryByTestId, rerender } = render(<XText {...textProps} />)
    expect(queryByTestId(name)).toHaveAttribute('style','text-align: start;')     
    textAlignPropValues.forEach(textAlignPropValue => {
      rerender(<XText {...textProps} align={textAlignPropValue} />)
      expect(queryByTestId(name)).toHaveAttribute('style','text-align: '+textAlignPropValue+';')      

I ran all the ui tests and confirmed they passed. Here is a screen shot for that:


dbranley commented 1 month ago

@mturoci Thanks for all the great feedback! I think I've take care of all the points, but please let me know if I missed something or you notice something else. Thanks!