h2oai / wave

Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R
Apache License 2.0
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Line plot and step plot draw wrong lines in output when changed via data[-1] #2352

Open michaeltraxler opened 1 week ago

michaeltraxler commented 1 week ago

Wave SDK Version, OS

1.3.3 20240614125607 OpenSuSE Tumbleweed 20240613

Actual behavior

The plots produced by wave the wave plot_card type "line" and "step" produce in the output wrong lines from the first value to the new added value when using the online update of the data via card.data[-1] .


Expected behavior

The horizontal line should be missing.

Steps To Reproduce

The code to reproduce:

from h2o_wave import main, app, Q, ui, data, run_on, on
import random
import time

async def serve(q: Q):
    if not q.client.initialized:

    q.page['example'] = ui.plot_card(
            box='1 1 4 4',
            data=data('time rate', -100, rows= []),
             plot=ui.plot([ui.mark(type='line', x='=time', y='=rate', y_min=0)])
        q.client.initialized = True
    await q.page.save()
        await update_rates(q)

    await q.page.save()

async def update_rates(q):
    card = q.page['example']
    while True:
    card.data[-1] = [i, random.random()*100]
    await q.page.save()
    await q.sleep(0.1)

Can this be fixed somehow?

Thanks, Michael