h2qutc / angular-material-components

Angular Material Library provide extra components for every project
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Cannot upgrade to Angular 14 #302

Open scozma opened 1 year ago

scozma commented 1 year ago

When trying to update the Angular version to 14, I get this error when I run npm run build:

× Compiling with Angular sources in Ivy full compilation mode.
Cannot resolve type entity i43.NgxMatDatetimePickerModule to symbol

This is an angular library with Angular 14.0.6 and "@angular-material-components/datetime-picker": "^8.0.0". I tried to add the path to the 'node_modules' location of the package as

"paths": {
      "@angular-material-components/datetime-picker/*": [

and also to add "preserveSymlinks": true inside 'angularCompilerOptions' and also inside 'angular.json -> architect -> build -> options'.

Please advise what could be wrong. Thanks!

AlonsoK28 commented 1 year ago

Better use material extensions project https://ng-matero.github.io/extensions/components/datetimepicker/overview

imamkhaira commented 1 year ago

Better use material extensions project https://ng-matero.github.io/extensions/components/datetimepicker/overview

just what I needed. Thank you for this suggestion!