h2zero / NimBLE-Arduino

A fork of the NimBLE library structured for compilation with Arduino, for use with ESP32, nRF5x.
Apache License 2.0
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Platformio, arduino and esp32 - pinning nimble to core and debug #647

Closed SanZamoyski closed 3 months ago

SanZamoyski commented 3 months ago


I'm having some problems with my project (it's quite big now, lot of files, so I won't attach it all here, ok?). I have three files with BLE stuff. In first included to main.cpp, I have:

//https://h2zero.github.io/NimBLE-Arduino/md__command_line_config.html (before: 1432941 -> 1432761)
//If defined, NimBLE Client functions will not be included.

//If defined, NimBLE Scan functions will not be included.

//Un-comment to change the core NimBLE host runs on.

//Un-comment to set the debug log messages level from the NimBLE host stack.
// Values: 0 = DEBUG, 1 = INFO, 2 = WARNING, 3 = ERROR, 4 = CRITICAL, 5+ = NONE
// Uses approx. 32kB of flash memory.

#include <NimBLEDevice.h>

Then a lot of stuff: advertising, callbacks etc.

Everything seems to work (communication between android apk) but there is no BLE debugging informations.

The problem is I have audioI2S library included and task for audio.loop() pinned to core1. I'm trying to force nimble to pin to core 0. Meybe it's already on core0, as

class MyServerCallbacks: public NimBLEServerCallbacks {
    void onConnect(NimBLEServer* pServer) {
//      deviceConnected = true;
      Serial.print("[BLE] client connected.");
      lastNotify = millis();
      Serial.print(" Running on core ");

    void onDisconnect(NimBLEServer* pServer) {
//      deviceConnected = false;
      Serial.println("[BLE] client disconnected.");


[22:11:39:641] [BLE] client disconnected.␍␊
[22:11:40:307] [BLE] client connected. Running on core 0

Is that correct?

SanZamoyski commented 3 months ago

Ok, got it: had debug=0 in platformio.ini. How about Core?

h2zero commented 3 months ago

Yes, the NimBLE host is already on core 0.

If you want to see the NimBLE stack debug logs as well then you will need this:

/** @brief Un-comment to set the debug log messages level from the NimBLE host stack.\n
 *  Values: 0 = DEBUG, 1 = INFO, 2 = WARNING, 3 = ERROR, 4 = CRITICAL, 5+ = NONE\n
 *  Uses approx. 32kB of flash memory.
SanZamoyski commented 3 months ago
