Hello, I'm able to build and upload zephyr based platformio project via BlackMagic. I was trying your stack for BLE developing. Everything seems to work as configuration and build but when I try to upload I got:
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: adafruit-nrfutil, blackmagic, cmsis-dap, jlink, nrfjprog, stlink
CURRENT: upload_protocol = blackmagic
Looking for BlackMagic port...
Auto-detected: /dev/cu.usbmodem79A67BCB1
Uploading .pio/build/adafruit_feather_nrf52840/firmware.hex
monitor swdp_scan: No such file or directory.
"/Users/azlekov/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/dodi-noise-c/.pio/build/adafruit_feather_nrf52840/firmware.elf" is not a core dump: file format not recognized
Undefined command: "-ex". Try "help".
Don't know how to attach. Try "help target".
No executable file specified.
Use the "file" or "exec-file" command.
command cannot be used without an exec file
The program is not being run.
*** [upload] Error 1
Hello, I'm able to build and upload zephyr based platformio project via BlackMagic. I was trying your stack for BLE developing. Everything seems to work as configuration and build but when I try to upload I got:
The board is Adafruit Feather nrf52480 Express
Any ideas?