h2zero / n-able-Arduino

An arduino core for ARM based BLE devices supported by the NimBLE stack.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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SystemON Sleep works with platform = nordicnrf52 #30

Closed j45p41 closed 8 months ago

j45p41 commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks again for a great library.

I am near the end of my project and realised that I need to implement systemON sleep for faster wakeup.

I know this should be a core function but when I am using the following code:


in my platformio.ini when I declare:

platform = https://github.com/h2zero/platform-n-able.git#1.0.0 The device goes to sleep and then a few seconds later wakes up without any trigger but behaves like a reset (eg runs the code in setup) and does not continue from where it left off.

Could this be an issue with the SDK that is being used?

I notice that when I specify:

build_flags =

that the board does not restart, but does not wake up either from the assigned interrupt.

when I use Sandeep's version by enabling it works.

platform = nordicnrf52

I also notice that when I click on the NRF_POWER function it seems to point to nrf51.h - should this not be pointing to nrf52.h like it does when I switch to the platform = nordicnrf52 ?

Thanks again for your help.

j45p41 commented 8 months ago

Sorry I just realized that this example is for the nrf51.